Who has tried Baby Cakes?


13 Years
Feb 12, 2009
Has anyone else tried these and think they work? I was using it with my CX's and think it works. I will be doing round 2 to determine if it's just not me wanting it to work vs actually working. I'm going to also get their Foragecake for my layers in their run.
They are amazing! Makes for a far cleaner brooder and healthier chicks, especially useful for preparing chicks for being moved from the constant temperatures of the brooder to outdoors. Gives them something to do and keeps pheasants chicks from pecking at one another. Baby peacocks seem to grow a bit faster on it.
They are amazing! Makes for a far cleaner brooder and healthier chicks, especially useful for preparing chicks for being moved from the constant temperatures of the brooder to outdoors. Gives them something to do and keeps pheasants chicks from pecking at one another. Baby peacocks seem to grow a bit faster on it.

Unfortunately that still doesn't answer the question, "what are baby cakes?'
Mine loved the Forage blocks but didn't like the baby cakes. They left them entirely untouched...don't know why.

I've found that they eat the Purina Flock Blocks the best. They ate every bit of them! I put them up on a cement paver so they don't get into the shavings and get covered up and spoil.

All of these products are like bird seeds and other nutrients bound together by either a gelatin or animal fat product like suet.
Hope that answered your questions :)
I love the Baby Cakes! At first my chicks were a little afraid of them, but I ended up scraping up the sides a bit to show them that it was edible and they went nuts over it!!! I left mine hanging in the brooder until it was all gone! I also saved the hanger thinking that I might be able to use it one day if I decide to make my own forage cakes.
My last batch of chicks REALLY loved the baby cake I got them, so I went back to the co-op to get another for my next batch, they dont carry them anymore :( I got them a pecker wrecker (mostly because I thought the name was funny :p ), they dont look the same as the baby cakes so hopefully the chicks like it...
My Euskal Oiloak Love these!

I can't leave it in with them for long though, they will absolutely destroy it, staying with it until it is gone... They're worse than my Black Lab with a rawhide bone, LOL.

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