First Egg Countdown

LOL samouw!!!! I have purple and pink and turqoise plastic Easter eggs in my nest boxes... no mistaking those for real eggs! Just wish a REAL egg would show up! Still got a ways to go I think, I have Buff Orps, I think they lay a little later than some other breeds. Mine are 17 weeks.
Still no egg for me but i noticed after I came home from work that my BA's face was so red that it just can't be much longer!

Can't wait for that first egg!
My Buff Orps will be 18 weeks tomorrow.. they have been practicing their "song"... I run out to see if they have laid anything.. nothing yet! I'm so glad I'm not the only one waiting! I also have a BSL and a GLW who both have had red waddles and combs for a while, they don't talk as much, but they are starting to!
Update out of my 16 Texas Reds I'm now getting 6 eggs a day. All but one have been laid in their boxes. G
uess, the pep talk on where to lay worked.
Ok here is a picture of our chickens when they were baby's (Sadly we lost 3 of them from a dog attack :{ The black and white EE one of the leghorns and a silkie :[ )


And here are some pictures of them Almost 18 Weeks!!!!



Sorry about bad pictures :\\ Yay 18 Weeks !!!! cant wait to find eggs !!!!

It's raining eggs in this thread! Congrats to IlovePecky and 7L Farm!

Samouw, maybe you should get a copy of 7L's peptalk, it worked for Rhode Island Reds, so it'll work for any chicken!

*hides from RIR lovers*
I got two RIR or New Hampshire that I have no idea how old they are for I got them as a trade for my two (10weeks Saturday) barred Rocks hens. I do know that they are older by a few weeks. I will post pics if I can get them. I look daily on the ground and in the next but so far nothing.

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