First Egg Countdown



8 Years
Feb 25, 2011
Hi all, I've seen this done in the hatching forums and thought it was a fun idea: a first egg countdown. I have 3 gold sex-links that are exactly 16 weeks old as of yesterday, and I'm losing my mind waiting for eggs! I say we introduce our girls here who are on the edge of egglaying, and post our first egg when it comes!

(yes this is just an excuse to see more pictures of chickens too

I'll post pictures of my girls tonight when I get to my home computer. How exciting!

Edit: the pictures as promised!

Two days old:

Darla at 15 weeks (they all look the same, so I'll just post her)
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Alrighty, I'll join in.

Welsummer pullet, 23 1/2 weeks. Eagerly awaiting her egg as she's the first from my breeding. I just hope and pray the egg is as beautiful as she is. Saw her "investigating" the nest box this morning.


I have barnevelders too, but they're only 13 weeks, so I have a ways to go for them!
I've got 3 Red Comets that are 16 weeks as well. We kinda forgot how old they were and just put out a nesting box last night. We all threw in a bowl of oyster shell, not sure if it's needed right now or not, but I figure it can't hurt too much.
Oh yay! Hopefully our gold comet girls will start laying soon. They're supposed to be early starters. The birds usually decide how much Oyster shell they need, so I think you're right on track. In fact I'm thinking of giving the shell to mine tonight.

Happy Chooks, I am always amazed at how gorgeous your Welsummers are
We have 7 pullets that are 17 weeks old: 3 Araucanas, 1 Little Black Giant, 1 Welsummer, 1 New Hampshire Red and 1 Ancona. I figure we should see an egg or two sometime in the next few weeks. The sooner the better.
Hi all, I've seen this done in the hatching forums and thought it was a fun idea: a first egg countdown. I have 3 gold sex-links that are exactly 16 weeks old as of yesterday, and I'm losing my mind waiting for eggs! I say we introduce our girls here who are on the edge of egglaying, and post our first egg when it comes!


I will join too! I have 5 Black Australorps that are 17 weeks old today.

I will post a picture soon.


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