PVC vs a hog feeder


8 Years
Mar 25, 2011
Oakland County, MI
I covet all the pics of PVC feeders. It looks like they can hold quite a bit of food. I can get the pig feeder from TSC and it holds a lb of food but the PVC probably hold so much more. So whats the costs vs $17 for the wall mounted pig feeder?
really depends on your area. Around here, I could only get the ABS pipe in 3" or 4" diameter which was what I wanted, PVC would of been a lot cheaper, but the thick walled stuff only is carried to 2" around Anaheim. he ABS parts (Caps, elbows, etc) were also mor expensive. So for me to build 2 4 foot tall feeders in ABS cost me ($20 for the pipe, $20 for 4 caps, $6 for the 2 elbows so $46 for two)

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