Red Stars and Black Stars


In the Brooder
8 Years
Jun 22, 2011
Hey everyone,

I will be going to the feed store tomorrow to purchase some sex link chicks.
I have never bought any before and was wondering how to tell the difference between a male and female, and how to tell which one's are red stars
and which are black.
Also is there difference in there egg laying is one better than the other.

Thanks guys, I'm a newbie!!
Well you can tell black and red stars apart because the red stars with be light red and the black stars will be black. Female red stars will be red while the male red stars will be yellow. Female black stars will be all black and male black stars will have a white dot on top of their head

Just wish the sorter at the hatchery knew this before sending my order out! 2 roosters out of 5 black stars--

Usually these birds are sold as pullets only so you shouldn't have to hand sort thru the chicks, it should already be done before shipping.
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I have two red stars and two black that 7-8 months old, and there is no difference in egg laying performance, all 4 of them are very reliable layers. The only difference is that my black stars lay tan colored eggs and my red stars lay medium brown eggs.
My red stars lay eggs almost as dark as the black copper marans! 1st week laying and today I got a double (maybe bigger yolker). :)

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