best way to euthanize a baby chick


8 Years
Jul 5, 2011

As I posted 2 nights ago with no responses... I have a 2 week old baby Brahma. This is the second day of trying to keep her little rectum inside. It still comes out. I have tried everything that I can think of and now feel the only thing left is to euthanize her. So... do I chop her head off or twist it off? The vet gives them a shot but it is painful too. I would think chopping the head off is the most humane thing.


i can tell you what I do...... had to do it today.. It is hard but this makes it easier for me. I put the chick in two walmart bags. Then I close the bag a bit. Leaving the chick in the bags and using the bags to keep me from feeling the chick too much.... I twist his head around his neck almost two complete turns and I hold it until it dies. Then I wrap up the bag and put it in the outside garbage. This is the thing I hate most about raising chickens.. and I have done it too many times.... it is better than watching them suffer...
When I have a situation where I need to cull a chick I gently put it on the ground and put a brick on its head and stand on the brick as quickly as I can. At the same time I am looking the other way. I am so sorry

And I dont have any advice on how to fix that problem. Did you check the links at the top of the page?
I read something about putting baking soda and vinegar in a container and then that container in a larger container with the chick. The fumes put them in a permanent sleep. I'm sure it can be googled. Good luck.
I'm sorry you didn't get a response when you first needed help.

I believe the most humane way to cull a chick is with a very sharp pair of scizzors. Hold the chick over the trash can (you can place a paper towel over the head if you wish) and snip the neck quickly. There will not be a lot of blood.
Use sharp pair of scissors to snip right through the neck. I try to have the disposal place ready, a hole dug under a bush or a box or bag for the pieces to fall into. It's so sad to see, to have to do this to a chick, but it's the final kindness we can do when they're suffering and need help to Cross the Road.
I'm sorry you have to deal with this.
I'm just makes me sick to think of it but at least if I do it, I can make sure it's done right. I've spent the last 2 days cleaning her up and refusing to believe the inevitable. I was really disheartened today when the vet could only offer a solution to the chest cavity. She is quiet tonight so will let her sleep one more night and then give her peace tomorrow. I will try the vinegar/baking soda solution.

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