Pigeon Egg Omelet


10 Years
Apr 15, 2011
Tried looking up eating pigeon eggs since our ringneck started laying. It was hard to find anyone who had tried them. Most comments were along the lines of, "ew, that's so nasty, that's like eating a sewer rat". XD

Has anyone tried them? I hear the whites stay tranlucent when cooked, which might put me off a bit honestly. I like my whites white when cooked. I've had quail eggs before, and liked how they were a bit richer in taste compared to chicken eggs. How would you describe the taste of pigeon eggs?
Google already helped provide me with a million answers as to what people who have never eaten a pigeon egg think of them, I'm hoping to hear from some people who have.
Hm, now I feel obligated to eat an egg or two and document the process, since this seems to only have been done by gourmet cooks. Next clutch...
ive eaten them, they were good, not bland, but differant than chicken eggs.. imagine that your chickens eat their own poop, and things that eat their poop, then tell me a primary only eats fresh seed and green eater's eggs are disgusting, as my doves and pigeons poop out of the nest, while most most people's chickens just poop were they lay.. any more thoughts on pigeon eggs vs chicken eggs??? besides look at the difference in bloom barriers and shell thickness.
My dad has eaten them and said they tasted like....eggs. So small and only laid every once in a while, so it was never worth it. He did have a problem with the gross looking whites though.
Thanks for the input guys. I kind of hope she takes a while to get back on the nest, as much as I want breakfast. She stops making her beautiful laughs and coos when nesting. ..And hope I can get past those clear egg 'whites'!

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