Plymouth Rock Cross??


8 Years
Oct 16, 2011
I was wondering if anyone has pictures of Silver penciled rock crossed with Partridge rock?? I would like pictures of male and female if you have them, Thanks!!!
No pictures, but if you cross a. . .

Silver Penciled male X Partridge female = Silver Penciled Females and "golden" Males. The males will carry both gold and silver genes (gold = partridge, silver = silver penciled) and look a lot like a Golden Duckwing in color. Google it.

Partridge male x Silver Penciled female = Sex-linked offspring. Females will be Partridge, males will be "golden" like above.
Thanks Illia , I have been wanting to get a Flock of Silver penciled and partridge rocks and maybe a few buff rocks, I was just curious of what the offspring would look like. What would the Buff do to the genetics??
Buff would mess it up. Buff, though it looks solid in color, is actually made up of a lot of different genetics. Cross it with something like Partridge and you get all kinds of variations. Well, not a huge lot in the first generation, but anything beyond that and you get loads of different colors.
Really? I never would of thought that, I don't know if that will be a good thing or a bad thing. Do you know how many mutations that it would make from a buff? I was thinking just Buff hens if that makes it any easier. Out of curiousity what is the genetics of a barred rock, I wasn't going to put any in the flock, but the genetics seem so interesting.
Barred Rocks are E/E and B/B (extended black based and barred) However females are B/- (Barring is sex-linked so it appears different in females, since females actually cannot be partial carriers of barring. They're either barred or not. That's why you can make sex-links from using them with non-barred males)

Buffs are Wheaten based, and carry about 5-6 other genes/traits. (mahogany, dilute, columbian, dark-brown, gold, and possibly dun)

Silver Penciled and Partridge are Partridge based with the pattern gene (what makes the penciling) and either silver or gold genes. (what determines silver penciled from partridge)

If your chickens are just layers or for fun experiments it doesn't matter what you breed. As long as you don't plan to show the crossed offspring or don't plan to breed them and sell the offspring as a recognized color, you're fine with what you do.
If you do sell them, it is preferred to sell the weird ones like the Buff crosses as either "mutts" or "unrecognized colors" of Rocks.
Thanks for the info!!! And yeah I wont be selling the birds just the eggs and using the meat for myself and other family members.

Where do you get all your genetic knowledge, I want to learn!!! haha

I love genetics and I haven't been able to grasp the Genetics of a chicken, do you have a good place for reference?
Not really, sorry! My sources are mostly a combination of reading a lot online and personal experience. Still learning too as always.

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