How can I tell if my cornish chicken is a rooster or hen?

Kuntry Gurl 3

8 Years
Sep 13, 2011
We got a chicken for free just as a biddie....not knowing what breed of chicken it was...We were thinking it was a white we within a month we purchased definitely being a white leghorn rooster!! Well when we got them home we knew,the little chicken was not a leghorn and I did some research on what advice was given to me and we have a White Cornish Chicken!!! For some strange reason all the chickens kept pecking it, until we decided to keep them separated!!! Now that the Leghorn Rooster is older...he every time we let out the chickens to roam the yard freely....will go out of his way to attack my Cornish question is it maybe because my cornish chicken may be a rooster or what could it be? Help!!!!
when you get at least 10 post post a pic. i am guessing it might be a roo but i have 2 roos together with no hens and have no problem with them being togther

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