Feather sexing question: Ameraucana x Leghorn

Are we talking about sex-linking or feather-sexing? Two different things

You actually can indeed do sex-linked pairing of the two but you of course require the female and male to be certain colors for it to work.
Thanks Illia.

You are right. Feather linking is not sex-linked, rather it's the origin of the breed and fast or slow feathering. Leghorn is white and can't be used for sex-inking. But I wanted the white eggs AND to separate male and female offspring . So I'm looking at feathers, if I can.
did you ever find out if this worked? I have some Leghorn x Americauna chicks hatching out at the moment and would love to know if it works! Thanks
several weeks later and I found that feather sexing didn't work for me. I sexed 4 chicks and only one turned out to be correct

however, the leghorn in the cross does make the cockerels quite apparent by 2-3 weeks of age.
What makes it apparent? Larger combs or something else? (I have 3 chicks that are a little over a week and one has longer wing feathers and is developing tail feathers quicker than the other 2.) Thanks!
Yes the comb got big and red on the boys quite early, around 2-3 weeks. Girls also pinked up a few weeks later and had me worried for a while but they are girls.
Thanks! I'll watch for that. I was a little worried about the difference in length of wing feathers/tail growth between my chicks.... but "overnight" the shorter wings grew to almost touching the tail. I think maybe those 2 were just a bit younger. Keeping my fingers crossed! (We can't have roos.)
I just crossed my Ameraucana roos with my brown leghorn hen as well as my blue Andalusian hen. I didn't mark all the eggs cuz the LH & BA eggs look the same, but they are due to hatch this weekend so should be interesting.
I hatched 3 chicks of this cross, all splash but predominately white. One was apparently a male spotted at about 3-4 weeks. The remaining two appeared to be female. At hatch I had one with long wing feathers and two with shorter blunted wing feathers and at that time i wondered if this was a sign of gender.

BUT... now at almost 3 months old the two females both still appear female but one has pointed tail feathers which I would immediately assume to be male... I really hope not it's time for me to have some luck with this cross, and goes against all the other signs.

I am wondering if a female can have these pointy tail feathers.. !!

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