Chicken Roost Bars


7 Years
Feb 26, 2012
Hello, new here and have been wandering around the site for quite some time but anyways... I am having a problem with my chickens using there roost bars. I have 2 in there and currently I have 2 chickens in the coop and 4 others in an other coop. I have 2 bricks put together in a corner that was used to put the water on but they ALWAYS knocked it down so I moved the water and left the bricks. So instead of the roost bars they decided to sleep on the bricks. This may be a stupid question but I thought they would roost on the bars. During the day they will go on them but not at night.. Thanks!!!!
You have to figure out why the bricks are more appealing. I'd guess that something is wrong with your roost. Either it is too high for them to access, not comfortable to stand on, too close to the ceiling, draft blowing on them when they are there... Normally, they want to sleep on the highest thing they can get to. Unless they are young chicks. And then it's just a matter of them not being ready yet to roost on the big chicken roost.
I have another question to ask on the roosting subject.

I have a bunch of bamboo on our place & would like to know if bamboo would make good roosts. In addition, I would like to ask if anyone has any other use I could utilize bamboo for in our coop & run.
I have another question to ask on the roosting subject.

I have a bunch of bamboo on our place & would like to know if bamboo would make good roosts. In addition, I would like to ask if anyone has any other use I could utilize bamboo for in our coop & run.

Bamboo make for an ideal roost. People used to and probably still do use bamboo in other countries to make their entire coop / roost structure since it is most handy resource they have.
Great!....I had planned on using it as roost bars & believe I am going to use it for a dual purpose framing for the top of the coop. that can be used as a portable run.
You can see my roosts on my live cam at In both coops I have roosts at different levels. This gives the chickens options - and you'll notice that there are preferences. The roosts in the HenCam barn are on hinges - easy to lift up and clean underneath. The roosts in the big barn are simply ladders propped up at an angle. I use hooks and chains to make sure they don't fall. But, I can remove them and put them in the sun to disinfect. Plan on 6 linear inches per hen of roost space.
Whoa... That hen cam is great.. Ive been watching it for awhile and got the scene of the roost bars. Thanks guys!

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