puppy attack

We brought home a 12 week old Newfoundland/Kuvasz puppy. We have been working with her on proper behavior around the birds. Unfortunately with 18 inches of snow she was able to get out of her run and it looks like she ran down a chicken. While she did not kill it she did break the skin. Is all hope lost that she will be able to stay here or will we need to put her down or re-home her with someone with no birds. Please do not bad mouth we are heartbroken enough already.

nahh... pups are anything under a year old.. easily taught out of bad habit, you just need to keep an eye on him properly.
I'm so glad to hear your chicken is good and the puppy is not going to be put down. You can always put her up for adoption but don't euthanize her for something she wasn't aware off. Please let us know how the progress goes. I have three dogs myself and new to the chicken world. I don't leave them alone for a second until I'm sure everyone likes each other. Thanks for the link in one of the previous post.
Totally agree with everybody here. You just have a youngster that has to growup and has lotsa training in front of them. As to getting out, don't blame the dog, blame yourself. Any means to get out should be forseen by you with steps taken to make sure it doesn't happen. So all you have is an accident that didn't cause irreparable harm knowing everything can be fixed.

Best of luck.

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