Virginia creeper...

thanks for replying..... I typed in vinca, which is it's latin name and someone said it would be ok, I have sooo much of it because once it established it goes crazy. I'll probably rip some of it out just in case.
Again thanks for the reply.
I know this is an old post but I just put my first chickens in a run where there was Virginia Creeper last year. I know there were little blue berries. The chickens were scratching and eating something. Because it is winter, I don't think it is bugs. Would the dried Virginia Creeper Berries hurt them--poison for them or anything/
All I can say is that they haven't in the 2 years my poultry have been scratching and eating whatever is in there where the Virginia Creeper is growing. (chickens, ducks, turkeys, and geese)

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