How do you catch your chickens?


In the Brooder
7 Years
Oct 10, 2012
My chicks are 7 weeks old and they roam freely in the yard all day and sleep in their coop at night. Sometimes I want to pick one up to take a picture of it and it always ends up in a crazy chicken chase! I'm running after them the whole length of the yard and back again just trying to pick one up! If they're in their coop I'll stand outside their open door hoping to catch one if it comes near me, but they never do. They just wait me out. I could go all the way inside of their coop but then I'd get all of their poop and hay all over my butt. Do you have any tricks to catching your chickens that I can use?
I have a long handled Chicken catching net. A long time ago I used to have a long handled hook that worked great on full grown chickens Do not know what ever happened to it. Both work good. I Preferred the hook as it was less stressful on the chickens.
Do you know where I could find a hook or net like that?
could you maybe make one? like get a metal hanger and a long pole, and wind the two together. but if you do use a net, a pool, or even a large butterfly net should work
mine now i just walk up to the slow bent over and pick them up they no longer run from me but before that i have one of those thing that you can pick stuff up with off the floor or self and would slowly and calm walk up to them and use those as extenion of my arms round them up to a corner and bend over pick them up. what ever you do dont run aournd and chase them you wont stand a chance stay calm and slow
I have only had one chicken that never cared if we picked her up. Ironically, it was the one that we didn't raise from a a chick. Lucky fell off of a Tyson truck on the way to the slaughter house. She would hop up in our laps and LOVED being petted and picked up. I think it might have been because (unlike the rest of the chickens that we've had) she knew EXACTLY how good she had it. :D The rest of the chickens we were only able to hold after they've gone to roost or before they were let out for the day.

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