
Sticks it's head through and the other spazzy a pile on it, I guess. That is what happened the day I was in the pen when it happened.

My du
My dumb question of the day, how does a chicken hang itself with lattice?

First it writes a "goodbye cruel world note"

Then it sticks its head in the lattice, and waits for the others to jump on it like Minnie said...

( sorry long miserable day here and this popped into my sick lil brain)
Will you have a bbq party?

Lol no we will keep 100 and sell the rest. If we sell them all we will make $800 with bringing them to lakes processing. If we butcher them we can make about $2,000. Its not worth butchering that many. We already have people willing to buy lots of birds. We just kinda scratched it out and rounded the money to those numbers.
Rubadubdub its Morticia in the tub

Yesterday the girls were so warm, hot, panting, and miserable, so I grabbed each one and placed her in a tub with cool (not cold) water and splashed water on their legs and bellies. When I got to Morticia, I put her in there, splashed her a couple of times and she sank right down and stayed in there about 5 minutes enjoying the nice cool water, lol, soooo cute!
Pretty sure we will be eating our Wyandottes (yes, even the hens). They are just nasty, mean birds! The littles are pretty much fully integrated into the flock. No problems at all except the Wyandottes will bully them every chance they get. So I'm thinking about letting the littles roost at night with the big chicks and locking the Wyandottes in the brooder area, haha!
Pretty sure we will be eating our Wyandottes (yes, even the hens). They are just nasty, mean birds! The littles are pretty much fully integrated into the flock. No problems at all except the Wyandottes will bully them every chance they get. So I'm thinking about letting the littles roost at night with the big chicks and locking the Wyandottes in the brooder area, haha!

My Wyandotte hens that are 10 weeks old are just darling lol
Mine are great with the chicks they were brooded with, but I can't deal with the nastiness to new chickens! We raise meat birds and will continue to get new chicks here and there.

I have a Changecler that hates chicks, and I put some eggs under her last night, I'm just hoping she will hatch them
I have a Changecler that hates chicks, and I put some eggs under her last night, I'm just hoping she will hatch them

My hen used to HATE chicks. When she went broody I was scared for the first few days of her on eggs. But then with eggs she was so gentle. Now she is sitting out at "pond" with me watching her ducklings go swimming.
Rubadubdub its Morticia in the tub

Yesterday the girls were so warm, hot, panting, and miserable, so I grabbed each one and placed her in a tub with cool (not cold) water and splashed water on their legs and bellies. When I got to Morticia, I put her in there, splashed her a couple of times and she sank right down and stayed in there about 5 minutes enjoying the nice cool water, lol, soooo cute!


That is the only type of waterfowl to have! When you get older you will learn.

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