Getting the flock out of here - a diary of a crazy chicken man

a total of 6 eggs broke on the 7500 mile journey got to be plaased with that One of my luggage boxed did not arrive. i am hoping it gets to the island today. it has the dehumidifier in it as well as setting trays
well atleast is wasn't the golf bag i know you carry an eggcelent set of clubs :)
Saw this on ebay and thought it was fitting

I have a space earmarked for them in my memorial day hatch piglett
i am not all that happy with the laying of my britts
i think they need more light
i'm going to get some 1/4" sheets of plexiglass from a side job i am doing
these things look to be 4'x8' (the price is

i may remove a 4'x8' piece of siding on the back side of their building
& put the plexiglass to er'
my buff american orps are outside all day unless it is raining really hard
they lay well for me.
the britts are in their own building & i worry about letting them outside
i would hate for some stray dog to come by & then i am out $500 worth of semi rare birds
maybe i could go with covered outside area for them

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