best egg laying hens

As you can see many breeds lay well and most are cold hardy, what I have found is it depends where you are getting them and what particular traits they are being bred for, so keep that in mind. I will add that the buff laced polish hens I got from MPC last year have layed better than any other breed I have ever owned, they are even molting but still laying, so you never know.
You should offer multiple boxes, but as stated they will fight over the favorite. To my birds the favorite is whichever box has fake eggs or real ones in.
I just love all my birds---have only 4 and fairly new to chickens but my two Buffs, 1 Rhode Island Red, and 1 Dominic give us almost always 3 eggs a day, which is plenty for us two old folks. The Buffs are much more friendly and are great pets...they do go Broody a lot and I have to put the broody in a cage by herself for about 3 nights (let her in the yard during the day but no access to a nest) and that brings her out. They are so lovable that I don't mind the extra caging. Seems the RIR lays every day, year around but she is not quite as friendly as the others. Used to have dogs, horses, mules, and was a Burmese cat breeder for 24 years but now I am old and only have chickens and wild birds that I feed. Chickens are new to me and I just love them. (I am also learning a lot with this site and other books that I have read) Life is interesting.
I wish to remind y'all that it is you who are responsible for paying the feed bill for your hens. Therefor get the type of hen who will tickle your eyes because not only do you have to foot the feed bill but you will take better care of a hen that you enjoy looking at.

So called "Dual" purpose birds are a poor choice for a laying flock because they are a compromise between a Cornish X hybrid chicken and a laying breed chicken like a leghorn chicken, and thus do nothing well but everything in a haphazard manner.

Likewise a dual breed chicken is not the best choice for a broiler or fryer type chicken.

But then again it is you who has to feed and look at your birds so knock yourself out and buy what ever breed it is that you like the most. Just be prepared to accept the downside along with the upside and go into chicken keeping wide eyed.
Sounds like an amazing girl. Congrats on having a SUPERSTAR. Give her a grape for me. (mine will do anything for a red grape----cut up into smaller pieces)
Funny you should mention that as our 4 spoiled chicks just love the red grapes too and would probably train to do anything in the world for them. The only thing that beats grapes is hanging out by the shovel when Dad is turning over dirt in the garden as there are lots of worms in there....if he doesn't shovel fast enough, they peck at his shoes....Funny girls. After having just about every other kind of animal/pet in our lives, we now only have one cat (who thinks she has to care for the chickens too) and the chicks. Just love them. Thanks for your mention of the grapes too!!!

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