best egg laying hens

My EE LAY WELL, MY NAKED NECK NEVER MISSES A DAY, ( sorry forgot caps was on ) my RIR have always been mean so they lay a year and by then there gone! Buffs go broody fast and often, my wheaten lay awesome also. I have two new birds called Sagitta and im anxious to know when they lay and about the egg size. They are twelve weeks old and grew faster then any bird i have ever had!
I have a Brown Leghorn that is laying every day, a Dominique that lays about every other day, 2 Barred Rocks that I'm wondering WHEN they're going to lay, (do they start late ?) and my game/mixed hen lays every day.
there are no hens that lays longer than 3 years.

My flock of 6 hatchery birds, Barred Rock and EE, gave me a consistent 4 eggs a day this spring / summer in their 5th laying season. They will turn 5 years old in early February. They do molt earlier and longer with each year. But the Barred Rock have been outstanding layers and start to lay again in January, after fall molt.

ive thought about getting a web cam as well and if you dont mind me asking where you got or are getting it and how much?

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