encouraging words for a new dachshund owner?

oh that's true gryeyes the girls do love to dig and have dirt baths. i already have it skirted all of the way around. i guess i did wonder if the hunter would start digging beyond the reach of the wire. and jewel1, as far as eating or rolling in the mess, i could only hope that was my biggest problem
like i said, there are many dogs and predators around here. i think what frightened me most after reading that dachshunds were such proficient digger/tunnelers. like i would take my eyes off of him for a minute and he would already be in the run. so now i just have to train myself to train this guy:
Ooh, a black & tan! Those are my favorite (although I don't have one - my heart said "too cute - gotta have him!" when I saw each of my boys who needed rescuing. One is a "red" and one is a chocolate dapple). Someday I'll have a black & tan doxie...

They can dig fast, but not THAT fast. Your run apron will be sufficient.
just an update. this little guy is amazing! in just a couple of days he has been house trained and he will sit, stay and come all for a teeny treat. we have walked past the chicken run a few times and he hasn't payed any attention to them at all, which is great. when it warms up just a bit (it is in the negatives at 10:30 in the morning right now) and i am sure that he consistently listens to my commands, i will start actual training with the birds. i guess we can practice with the cats. he loves them! i can't believe this little guy came my way and i thank you all for the really great advice.
I am gratified to read he's housebroken! Dacschunds are one of the breeds which are notoriously difficult to housebreak.

Another trait (not negative, just a breed attribute) is stubbornness. They're "nose" dogs, so if they get a scent they want to follow, they WILL follow it. "I hear you calling me - I'll get back to you when I'm done here.". They were designed to dig badgers out of their burrows, for goodness sake. No fear.

And they often turn into One Person dogs. Sure, they can and do like others, but there may be just one person in the house to which they absolutely cleave .(That probably wouldn't be too hard to handle, huh?). ;-)
all those predators who mentioned? leaving that little guy outside alone could quickly turn into a death sentence for him. Bobcats and coyotes won't turn down a "cocktail wiener"

Honestly, the best and easiest way to keep him AND your birds safe is to let him outside only under supervision.
My doxle ran into my pasture and never returned
A strategy that I've picked up from some old hunter stories...

Leave out a familiar shelter like a dog crate, preferably something covered from the elements. Put in this shelter some blankets, preferably those slept on by the dog, but those slept on by family members will do. Leave water, but no food. Check back every few hours.

The logic behind this is that dogs massively rely on their sense of smell and can smell familiar things. They will hopefully be attracted to the shelter. Water is for the likely dehydration that the dog will have, but avoiding food is to try to not attract predators that could scare or potentially hurt the dog.
I have never owned a Dachshund but I have been acquainted with several. They are independent, hard headed, intelligent, and wonderful dogs. You won't get bored, that's for sure. There was one that lived down the street from me. When his people left for the day he would get bored and come down and visit me. One night after he had been with me most of the day I went to bed and found something cold and squishy between my shoulder blades. I was a cold boiled potato. Apparently it had dropped unnoticed on the floor, he found it, and decided to put it in a safe place.

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