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The objective is to hatch eggs, not to make a motion picture. Can you imagine if in the middle of the night & your sound asleep, someone comes in, shines a bright flash light in your face & yells Fire? What do you suppose your reaction would be & what do you suppose happens to your heart?
Candling is not so you can see a heartbeat, or see them "do the dance" it's only necessary to see if the egg is fertile or not. That can be done in less than 5 seconds

What your doing is encouraging people to something that is completely destructive, so you can put it on Facebook? You do what you want, but don't encourage others by implying it's OK. ---It's not.

edited by staff
its perfectly ok to candle
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I dont open anything up unless Im 100% sure its not alive. When in doubt just leave it, if it was rotten it would smell absolutely awful, if it doesn't smell then its not going to explode any time soon and endanger the other eggs, I would leave it until its either developed farther or until its very obvious its not going to hatch.
Thanks for your opinion, Bill. I'm sure that we value your opinion as much as you value ours. Seeing the miracle of life unfolding inside an egg is part of the joy of hatching eggs. I'm thankful for the opportunity to candle an egg, and especially enjoy seeing inside the white ones.
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I have only ever hatched chickens, but I look for a blood ring or in later stages lack of movement. Don't feel bad about cracking one open, I eggtopsy all of my eggs so I know what went wrong. Do you have any idea how many days they have been growing?
Well.....the chicken man at my feed store, who has raised fowl his whole life, thinks they were within a week or so of hatching--from my descriptions. I still think they were dead. I will recandle tomorrow and take photos of the remaining eggs. I should have taken photos last weekend! I have no idea on timelines, other than suspecting that some should hatch any time from now, til July 4th! My problem with this hen is that she and another hen have been/were adding daily eggs to the clutch! I marked what I could, but she rarely leaves her nest. My last desire is to disturb her. I know this is not kosher in the incubating world, but I'm leaving this up to the turkeys and nature. It's a fabulous miracle to witness and wonderful for our children, nieces and nephews. I'll update on Saturday. Thanks for asking and helping!
Just candled my eggs end of day 18 added some water when i candled the one egg i think i heard tapping?
At day 18 you should be putting them into lockdown, crank the humidity, stop turning and leave them babies alone until day 21. I hear higher temps and bantie eggs can hatch a little earlier.

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