are eggs at grocery stores fertile?


6 Years
Jun 8, 2013
Well I'm new here!:)

And id like to know how to tell a fertilized chicken egg from a non fertilized chicken egg.Do free Range brown cage free organic chicken eggs come fertilized?
And i need a break down on how to incubate the eggs in any other ways?Or are there any at all?

I'm going to become a first time breeder,for pet chickens.So I'm just experimenting on grocery store eggs.I live in Arizona so preferring,stores in az that have fertilized eggs.

thanks everybody!:)
People on BYC have hatched fertile eggs from Trader Joes, that are sold in some areas. Range free can mean the chickens are just milling around a fenced area, unless there are roosters with them - their eggs wouldn't be fertile.

Please read the forums on incubation and hatching. Some people do make their own incubators but, that stuff is way to complicated for me. Others buy silkie hens because the breed as a whole go broody often and then can be used as a natural incubator. It a lot less stressful to have a hen sit on and hatch eggs than fuss with a mechanical device.
Welcome to BYC
I've heard of folks that have stuck some store bought eggs in the 'bator and a chick came out. I myself once tried that with a brood of 5 store-bought cage-free brown eggs but nothing came out. I'm guessing it's pretty uncommon to get a chick out of a store-bought egg
In some area markets - probably California egg cartons will be labeled "fertile eggs' of course being refrigerated does lessen the odds of hatching. But do a search on BYC for Hatching Trader Joe s eggs and you should get several hits.
Greetings from Kansas and
! Pleased you joined us! I don't know the answer to your question but generally I'd think that no they aren't. I don't know why they would be - plus I think grocery store eggs aren't very fresh and have been refrigerated so even if they had been fertilized I doubt if they would still hatch. Good luck with your experiment.
Welcome to BYC
I would try farmer's markets, or any other place that sells proper free range eggs. Or ask people with a rooster in their flock if they'd sell you some eggs to hatch. To see if the eggs are fertile, break one or 2 of them on a plate and check for the little "bullseye" on the yolk. Pics here: How to Tell a Fertile vs INfertile Egg (Pictures) Once you got a source for some fertile eggs you will need to get yourself an incubator, some ideas on how to build one here:

Also see here for a great guide to everything incubation:

Have fun and happy hatching!
Thanks everybody!

My rabbit sasha is curious with my own homemade incubator.I did it by myself no instructions and its maintained a temp of 99 degrees all night!:)
So I'm getting some Safeway eggs.
i got the ones that weren't refrigerated and are organic.I candeled em' and i see a bullseye in the egg that i cracked.
So i threw them in the bator and I'm crossing my fingers!:)

When i candeled them i saw the air bubble.
and the Safeway guy said "Its a mystery,But most of the time there are a few fertilized eggs in the carton."he gave me the freshest carton of eggs that hadn't been refrigerated yet and said "try these,I've hatched a couple of eggs from this brand"

Thank you!
If they are brown eggs the chicks hatched from them will be mutts because the common battery farm brown egg layer is a Red Sex-Link and 2 Sex-Links crossed together don't make a Sex-Link. If they are white eggs the chicks hatched from them most likely will be White Leghorn because that is the most common battery farm white egg layer.
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