Doctor who fans only

I love Doctor Who, I like the eleventh Doctor. Great show, great actor.
I'm not a fan of Clara Oswald though, sadly. I like her actor a lot, but I think the scriptwriters made her a bit bland, and her story reminded me a lot of
River Song.

But maybe that's just me. :idunno
I love Doctor Who, I like the eleventh Doctor. Great show, great actor.
I'm not a fan of Clara Oswald though, sadly. I like her actor a lot, but I think the scriptwriters made her a bit bland, and her story reminded me a lot of
River Song.

But maybe that's just me.

i agree, Tennant was my favorite doctor, but i like Smith too. I think that Clara had big shoes to fill after the Ponds left, and they should have do a better job of making her likable, personally, i think shes a bit bossy. She reminds me a bit of Rose, and i think I'm the only Whovian that just didn't like Rose, they made her more of the focal point in a lot of stuff, which is the Doctors job :) I would have to say my favorite companion was the Ponds, just because they really could fight well on there own.
Ok well i got a bit off topic lol
i agree, Tennant was my favorite doctor, but i like Smith too. I think that Clara had big shoes to fill after the Ponds left, and they should have do a better job of making her likable, personally, i think shes a bit bossy. She reminds me a bit of Rose, and i think I'm the only Whovian that just didn't like Rose, they made her more of the focal point in a lot of stuff, which is the Doctors job :) I would have to say my favorite companion was the Ponds, just because they really could fight well on there own.
Ok well i got a bit off topic lol
My favorite Doctor is currently Nine. He was a lot of fun. To be fair though, I haven't actually seen most of Ten's episodes yet and therefore can't give a fair, unbiased opinion of him. Someday I'm going to finish seeing seasons two and three of new Who.

Yeah, the Ponds were really good companions. I didn't always like how they wrote Amy, but she and Rory were still enjoyable characters. I didn't like Rose at first, but now I think she might be my favorite companion. (But again, I need to withhold judgement until I see Martha)

My favorite episode for Clara character development was either the Cyberman episode or her surprise appearance in the first half of series 7. She got some personality, and a chance to show her strengths.
My favorite Doctor is currently Nine. He was a lot of fun. To be fair though, I haven't actually seen most of Ten's episodes yet and therefore can't give a fair, unbiased opinion of him. Someday I'm going to finish seeing seasons two and three of new Who.

Yeah, the Ponds were really good companions. I didn't always like how they wrote Amy, but she and Rory were still enjoyable characters. I didn't like Rose at first, but now I think she might be my favorite companion. (But again, I need to withhold judgement until I see Martha)

My favorite episode for Clara character development was either the Cyberman episode or her surprise appearance in the first half of series 7. She got some personality, and a chance to show her strengths.

Nine was a great doctor, they are all great, i just found him to be quite angry, and then again he only have one season apposed to ten who had 4 i think. I think Clara was awesome in Asylum of the Daleks, that whole episode was great, the character development in Nightmare in Sliver was good, she really showed her independence, but i wasn't a fan of the episode, i really only liked what they did with the Doctor in that episode.
I definitely think Nine's time on the show was way too short. I love all the new Doctors (and probably all the old ones too, if I ever had the time to see their adventures), but it's a shame he didn't get at least one more season.
That's understandable. I think the second half of this season was pretty disappointing. It had moments of greatness, but the stories themselves were fairly weak. My biggest "What?" moment was probably the subplot with the android guy who wasn't actually an android. It could have been a good story, maybe, but the way the writer told it left me baffled. It just seemed so forced, and it really was completely unnecessary to the main plot!
Sorry guys, I guess I've turned this thread into a Doctor Who complaints center. If anyone wants me to stop, just tell me. :oops:
Your not complaining, we're just, discussing
I've seen a few of the very first seasons episodes and out of every doctor One would be my favorite, probably because he set the pace for the whole series. It was like he wanted to act like an old wise man because that's what everyone expected, but on the inside he was just a kid trying to have fun, basically the opposite of Eleven :p
That sounds pretty neat. Hopefully I'll get around to seeing him someday.

So what are your thoughts on the upcoming regeneration? We've got, what, two more episodes with Eleven, and then someone new is going to be taking over. The show will probably change significantly, and the fans will all be outraged or delighted by the new Doctor, depending on their personalities.
I'm nervous about it of course, but I'm actually pretty excited too. I like my TV shows to have big, dramatic changes.

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