Doctor who fans only

Like most people I'm psyched for the next Doctor, of course we will all miss Smith but every doctor can add something to the show that all the others could not. I'll be cool to see who they pick as the next doctor, if i had to pick one (British) person to be the Doctor i would pick Simon Pegg, just because i love all of his other works, and if i could pick an American actor it would Johnny Depp because hes just so good at being different in all of his movies (ps i went and saw The Lone Ranger, great movie :) ) And I can finally watch Doctor Who with my friend Zac again, because he stooped watching when Smith became the doctor, for some reason he really hates Smith as the doctor, I don't know why
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I figure that if I hate the new Doctor, I can always watch one of the thirty-something older seasons to remind me of the good old days. :gig
I have no idea who I'd want the next Doctor to be, but I'm kind of hoping they'll choose an older actor this time. Much as I enjoy the younger guys, I do think there are plenty of them already.
I think that the ages of the Doctor keeps going down, the fist Doctor i think was around 70 and Smith is 30, so im guessing the next doctor will be somewhere between 35 and 25 but that really all depends on what Moffat has planed for us :p
They could choose an even younger actor I guess, but if the Doctor himself acts any younger, he'll have to act like a five-year-old. Which would be entertaining, but probably not what the show needs. :lol:
Lol that's true, I'm not sure what i want the new Doctor to act like.... This is totally off topic, but i was disappointed with the season 7 finale, i know they were setting up for the 50th anniversary but i just thought the episode was weird (not Doctor weird, but bad weird ) I just hope that the 50th will be better than that episode
I'm hoping they make him a bit more serious and mature. Still delighted and amazed by the universe of course, but no fish fingers and custard. Much as I love him, I think it's too soon to have another goofy Doctor like Eleven.

I enjoyed the finale for its "WHAT? WHAT JUST HAPPENED? THE SUSPENSE IS GOING TO KILL ME" factor, but I admit it wasn't the greatest episode. I thought it was a step up in quality from a lot of the other season 7 stuff though. Steven Moffat even managed to make it a bit creepy, which is something he hasn't been doing so well lately.
I would be nice if the next Doctor would be a bit more like Ten, because he was more serious, but still fun.

The last 30 seconds of the finale was the best part. I just thought they would have done something.... more with it, like brought back some iconic aliens to Talerenzo (i think that's how its spelled lol) but then again a lot of people liked the finale.
Concerning the finale and based some press releases I read, I don't particularly like the way Moffat is taking the series.
John Hurt is meant to replace Nine and move the order up, completely twisting canon on its head.
And, Nine is my favorite doctor and Donna is my favorite companion. I never liked Martha very much since her tenure as a companion focused too much on the romantic aspects of her relationship with the Doctor. I do like Clara, a little, but she isn't my favorite. Her story reminds me more of Amy's and the whole 'crack in the wall'.
I felt that Clara was like Rose, since theres a bit of a romantic aspect to their relationship, perticulaly at the end of the finale when the Doctor says 'Clara, my Clara" and i hope they dont take it that way, because that was one of the reasons i didnt like Rose. And i herd that the put John Hurt in there because Christopher Eccleston wouldnt come back for the 50th. I hope when Eleven regenerates that they will replace Moffat.
I'd love to see another companion who only sees the Doctor as a friend. I found Donna annoying at times, but she was pretty refreshing to watch anyway. There's no rule that says every female character needs a romance, writers!

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