I want to feed them Organic & Non GMO -- but the price is just too high!

Like I stated previously, the standard for organic labeling differs between "certified organic" according to the USDA, and private organizations, which are numerous state to state, and most of which uphold a much higher standard of certification. If you are confident with the USDA standard, by all means, eat hardy.
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Like I stated previously, the standard for organic labeling differs between "certified organic" according to the USDA, and private organizations, which are numerous state to state, and most of which uphold a much higher standard of certification. If you are confident with the USDA standard, by all means, eat hardy.

No one who values organic goes by the USDA. The government took over organic to please Big Ag because they wanted a piece of the action. There were organic things long before the USDA got involved & it meant something. You have to research & know your source.
No one who values organic goes by the USDA. The government took over organic to please Big Ag because they wanted a piece of the action. There were organic things long before the USDA got involved & it meant something. You have to research & know your source.
This whole thing is silly - Go to Oregon Tilth's website - their pesticide section is just a link to the USDA's page. If you say "organic", in the USA, with reference to a sold product, you're talking about the USDA's guidelines. You're legally required to be talking about the USDA's guidelines to label a product as such.

Also, the Big Ag comments are hilarious - more than 90% of organic product sold in the USA is sold by 6 companies. Big Organic is the biggest of the agriculture segments, and it spends more on legislation than anything else. Monsanto is a tiny little fly on the back of the organic wings of CocaCola, or Kraft Foods.
This whole thing is silly - Go to Oregon Tilth's website - their pesticide section is just a link to the USDA's page. If you say "organic", in the USA, with reference to a sold product, you're talking about the USDA's guidelines. You're legally required to be talking about the USDA's guidelines to label a product as such.

Also, the Big Ag comments are hilarious - more than 90% of organic product sold in the USA is sold by 6 companies. Big Organic is the biggest of the agriculture segments, and it spends more on legislation than anything else. Monsanto is a tiny little fly on the back of the organic wings of CocaCola, or Kraft Foods.

Those of us that have followed organic principles for over 30 years DO NOT go for the organic crap sold in the grocery stores or sold by Cargill etc. Have you ever bought from a local organic producer?? You obviously don't know organic as anything more than a label. You can feed your chickens or yourself whatever you wish. USDA has screwed up organic for those people that just wish to read a box and pick it up at the grocery store. There is no such thing as organic mass produced stuff. Most of my organic comes from my garden & the meat producers I choose to buy from. My chicken feed comes from local companies. We are not speaking about the same stuff. Your need to "put down" all organic is amusing & tiring at the same time. Me think you doth protest too much. JMHO

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