I want to feed them Organic & Non GMO -- but the price is just too high!

When seeking a product, I don't look at what is cheapest, I look at the quality based upon the price. That is why I'd never eat Foster Farms, Tyson, Butterball, etc..
Higher price does not indicate higher quality - it indicates higher production costs. Higher production costs don't necessarily indicate higher quality.
But most people don't,they want the cheapest.Most people don't understand the difference of chicken breasts at $1.99/LB VS. $6.99/LB.
I really don't care what most people want so long as I have the option to get what I want. I know what I want. This is why meat raised on organic grains, grass fed instead of lot fed, keeping a high standard of practice is so successful and a better quality, better tasting product. It commands a higher price, and when people can afford it, will choose that over the other. At least those who care about their health do. The demand is increasing. That is good news in my opinion.
. At least those who care about their health do.
Again, no. There have been millions upon millions of feed trials conducted at this point. There are no nutrition benefits to eating organic or GMO free. This is clearly established science.


If you care about your health, you eat lots of fresh fruits and vegetables, organic or otherwise. That means, in most cases, getting local fruits and vegetables. In my case, I like peaches - there's no such thing as a local organic peach in my area - there's too much pest pressure. The 'conventional' ones are fantastic, and way healthier (as they're picked later, and are fresher) than 'organic' fruits shipped across the country.
"Quality based upon the price", as I stated, does not always mean the highest cost. Most certainly though, the cheapest product will likely be inferior. Most people understand this.

You are not using the piece of mind argument where organic production generally causes less damage to the environment and usually operates where ecosystems are more highly valued. Many locations where organic production occurs are often more interspersed with markets reducing carbon footprint. Exceptions can be found for sure.
Again, no. There have been millions upon millions of feed trials conducted at this point. There are no nutrition benefits to eating organic or GMO free. This is clearly established science.


If you care about your health, you eat lots of fresh fruits and vegetables, organic or otherwise. That means, in most cases, getting local fruits and vegetables. In my case, I like peaches - there's no such thing as a local organic peach in my area - there's too much pest pressure. The 'conventional' ones are fantastic, and way healthier (as they're picked later, and are fresher) than 'organic' fruits shipped across the country.

No argument was presented about which has higher nutritional content. Both exist among conventional and certified organic. That article states nothing about the benefits of foods void of pesticides/herbicides versus those produced with the use of pesticides/herbicides. Those pesticides and herbicides are additions to the presence of nutrient levels of foods more people are deciding to avoid. This is why much of GE product produced in America is boycotted throughout Europe, Asia, Central, and South America. The mistrust which exists with government and industry doesn't exist because people are ignorant dupes. It is quite the contrary.
No argument was presented about which has higher nutritional content. Both exist among conventional and certified organic. That article states nothing about the benefits of foods void of pesticides/herbicides versus those produced with the use of pesticides/herbicides.
You've implied, and now directly stated that GMO foods are less healthy, and conventional agriculture is less healthy than organic.

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why is organic so much more expensive? lets put the responsibility where it should be. politicians and the farm bills that subsidize junk gmo food crops from giant agro conglomerates. organic farmers are not subsidized. subsidizing these conglomerates should not be allowed. people need to demand that this stop so we can afford organic and healthy foods. we do not need corporate welfare.it doesnt benefit the people. it is unconstitutional, and therefore illegal and unlawful. if you take the time to read where all this money is going it will blow your mind. our republic depends on the people to keep it viable. its our responsibility as American citizens to make sure our public servants are not perjuring their oaths and helping themselves illegally but doing what they were elected to do. uphold their oath to the constitution for the people's well being.

subsidies create an unfair monopoly and deny people their right to choose and the ability to choose what they really would like to have by making it cost prohibitive to many people.

we need a level playing field. without subsidies the gmo crops could not survive. yields are higher for organic and there are many studies out there to show this. this is why they need welfare to continue to profit at others' expense. if gmo crops are so great, why do they need subsidies? its a lie, they are not great. they do not help anyone, they will never feed the world efficiently or cheaply. in fact, many countries refuse our gmo crops and have banned them. even china has labels for gmos on their products on their shelves.

we must vote with our dollars and support as best we can organic farmers and humane to animals, fair trade farms. we must elect public servants, not based on their party, color or gender, but on whether or not they are upholding their oath to the constitution. that is all we need to get our country back to the great republic it was founded to be.

okay crazy talk this will be my last posting to you and i want to firstly apologize to everyone for his creating discord and discouraging discussion and advocating censorship because he doesn't agree with other posters. obviously a forum is meant for discussion and it shouldn't be used to call others liars especially when they have no facts. i wasn't going to reply at all but i will not allow myself to be called a liar and allow someone to deliberately sabotage an important topic. what i am going to say is relevant to the organic vs non organic debate.

i believe a forum is meant for meaningful conversation and a place to share our thoughts experiences and facts that may otherwise be unknown to some. some people when faced with things that are profound and outside of their current level of understanding respond with fear and feel they must attack someone because they dont know what else to do. the intention is to contribute in a positive manner and to encourage discussion. its too bad there is not more of that out there and there are some who like it that way, because things cant change if we cant talk about them. there are those who benefit from the status quo and are threatened by change and anything different. its inconvenient to know things, because then you have to do something about them. so many people choose to remain ignorant and shout down anything that disrupts their "comfort zone"

everything i said in my previous post was based in fact by scientists and studies and also my experience. i find it hard to believe someone would advocate such a pathological way of thinking and insist disease is inevitable. it is not. we have an immune system to keep us healthy and feeling good and because nature is master and we can not begin to comprehend this beautiful harmonious brilliant plan she has. its exciting that scientists are re discovering what many metaphysicians philosophers and scientists knew before the written word. they are finally beginning to find out how important our mitochondria and our digestions and our delicate balance of systems within ourselves and the soil itself, is vital to our health and well being. our immune system is always working and we may not even be aware of it every moment until we are overloaded with toxins and our immune system can not do its job and then dis ease moves in.

what is dangerous about advocating eating healthy whole foods and eschewing chemicals and processes and being kind and thoughtful to others and ourselves? you are what you eat. your choices absolutely have everything to do with your quality of life. 1 in 5 children under the age of 6 are now obese. dont tell me this has nothing to do with food and lifestyle choices. we have dabbled in chemicals and unnatural processes for a very short amount of time and you can see from the change in quality of life, the correlation of increase in disease, both chronic and acute.

what does this have to do with the cost of eating organic or the real cost of not eating organic? everything. we may not realize that our choices do not only affect us, but especially living in America, our choices effect the whole world. its a blessing and also a huge responsibility and one that the large corps deliberately use to create division among the people so they can continue destroying the world indiscriminately and without consciousness and reap more profits. its a distraction and it works. we are not each others enemies. everyone is doing the best they can and i am sure most everyone wishes things were different. i believe in the power and the beauty of the human spirit and that given the information to make good choices, they will be made. the people are not being given true information.

this is why its so vital for everyone to take up the responsibility of educating yourself because no one will do it for you. the status quo wants you to be ignorant and fearful. for then you can be controlled and manipulated. the proper use of knowledge is power. i am exercising that power and taking the responsibility for my own life and choosing to contribute to the world in a kind responsible way.

crazy talk you have no facts to base your derision on or you would give them. i already recommended the mercola website for all of this ground breaking information and research which will benefit everyone. plus the importance of choosing organic, and not disrupting our delicate systems. the dangers of these chemicals and the deliberate suppression of this information is in the news. its not made up. more and more people are coming out and sharing what they were forbidden to share before. i bless them for their courage. an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. i live my life by that principle of ben franklin's.

quality of life is everything. ask anyone who may have a million dollars in the bank but yet they are not healthy and may have a debilitating disease? what would they rather have? a grand quality of life. choosing organic is about quality of life. you can not put a price on the freedom of well being. as i said before, this is our birthright. you can not be free if you are not healthy. our constitution was written by people who understood this. freedom is everything and with freedom comes responsibility. our constitution was written and our government formed for one purpose only ; to safeguard and protect our unalienable god given rights that we were born with. it was written to prohibit the taking away of our rights. if you read the Constitution its very clear about protecting the water and the air and all of these chemicals are in direct violation of our constitutions, both state and federal.

we have a whole generation of people who are abusing their bodies and eating fast foods every day and then expect someone to fix them by giving them pills. they do not want to be responsible or care for themselves. even 20 years ago this was unheard of and it was common sense that eating well, getting plenty of rest, and choosing.laughter is a recipe for a happy healthy life.

we are lucky that we can choose and that we can speak and share our points of view. we should do this with an open mind. since this forum asks for people's opinions, i am glad i can take the time occasionally out of my very busy and happy life to give mine.

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