Cockateils killed their new born sibling :/


6 Years
Jul 25, 2013
I'm having one couple of cockateil.First time when female cockateil layed 5 eggs 2 doesn't hatched and the other 3 which hatched they died,next time she layed more eggs and 2 servived and they are well and good in health,they are young cockteils now,she layed 4 eggs now 3 hatched and 1 doesn't,those three are young and healthy also, but the problem is she layed 3 eggs now 1 hatched a small little baby came out of it but those stupid younger cockateils killed him/her by throughing him again and again out of the nest and hurting by their beaks :(

Why they did this? Is this because of jealousy? But why they get jealous? :/
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I'm not sure on the situation but, I think you need to separate the older chicks from newborns. Wild birds frequently kill their siblings, in order to get more good for themselves, I would think that applies to domesticated birds also. BYC has a section on caged birds, I think people there could best answer your questions. Maybe mama has had too many broods and needs time off for a while to recuperate. Brooding is serious business - maybe causing some weak chicks.
Tiels are not the brightest birds out there every one i hatched the parents never fed. There so over bred that their natural instincts were bred out aswell kinda like with dogs :/

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