Turkey Poults/Americana/ chicks for sale Middle tennessee


11 Years
Jul 27, 2008
Anyone got any turkey poults or true breed americana chicks for sale in middle TN or around the florence area of alabama?
Have you contacted PearlD to see if she still has those last 2 turkey poults?

I got about ten Ameraucana chicks from Ideal back in March or April and another 6 from the feed store and I think I will be getting rid of a few sometime soon. So far only about 3 or 4 are laying now and 1 is laying a green egg (I think I know which one) and the others are laying a brown egg. I got some green eggs in the bator from ebay and if they hatch I will be finding out who the brown egg layers are and will get rid of them. I want all my Ameraucanas to lay them green eggs so I can tell what the eggs are by color when they get gathered up and end up in the bowl.
I have a coop for my Ameraucana/EE's and there is a EE roo and also a Black Australorp cockerel in there with them.
My 2nd coop has my Gold & Silver Phoenix in it and a 3rd coop with my RIR's and a few Buff Orph hens.
My 4th coop has 6 turkey poults that I got from PearlD.

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