
Wafflechicken.....Im sorry I thought that this was a sad story. Guess we can't have an opinion on this forum. I really don't beleive in killing something because there is a problem. So you are telling us that ever time we have an animal, if we have a problem with it, we should kill it? Just wondering.....Sorry you didn't like my opinion.
Guess we can't have an opinion on this forum.

Are you talking about me being able to have one or you? Remember, having opinions goes both ways and neither way obviates you from a different opinion.

Were I like you I would get all defensive right now because you think I'm mean, don't like my opinion and don't think I'm sad.

Instead I'm going to respond like a rational adult that doesn't feel entitled to cuddles.

Yes, it's sad when you have to put things down. Heck I find it sad when I cull my own flock for the winters meat. That doesn't mean it's the wrong thing to do.

I believe that if you're raising livestock or pets and you run into a strain that is problematic (born with open wounds or inside out organs, born aggressive, born with lame wings or legs, etc) yes, I believe you not only should but have a duty to prevent these anomalies. I believe much of the issues with puppy/animal mills is that the don't practice this kind of responsible breeding which results in more unsuitable dogs (birds, hogs, goats, etc) being bred and killed later when they don't conform or aren;t useful).

Do I believe in human eugenics? No. And don't prop up that straw man next because I know you're going to.

While I treat my animals (livestock and pets) as humanely as possible they are still animals. And the more you allow undesirable traits to exist the more you give your opponents ammunition to prevent people from having them and the more you dilute the usefulness and benefit of the animals you're trying to protect.

You want to have farm pets? Great! Just don't breed them if you're not going to do so responsibly.

If you choose to comment adversely on my opinion, feel free. I'm not so sensitive that I'll take disagreement as a sanction on me expressing my opinion. Hey it could even result in a useful discussion if both side approach it in good faith! Remember, free speech means you are free to say what you want. It also means others are free to say what they want about your "free speech"
I have two males but they are my gay ducks, they need a wife. Don't know if you would take on two more males they may not like each other.
My husband has medical issues and some days can't tend to them, I work full time and look after them when I am off and talk to them. They do get fed and theri pen is cleaned at least 3 times aweek.
I live in Tennessee.
I don't want to risk getting more males. If I get any more ducks I'd prefer that they were females. But thanks for the offer anyway.

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