I think my hen ate some rat poison Help!!

Harry Rooster

7 Years
Jan 11, 2013
"the boonies" in, Alabama
My Coop
My Coop
Someone said to get vitamin K1, so I called the tractor supply to see if they had some, but they want to know what is the ingredient in it that counteracts the poison, said they didn't know anything about vitamin K1. Is there something else it is called? Need to know soon what I need to get so I can get it before they close today. Please hurry.
Yes, you need Vitamine K1,have you called any vets or pet poison help line?

Rat poison contains an anticoagulant which blocks the synthesis of Vitamin K, in body,this is essential for normal blood clotting and will cause uncontrolled and spontaneous internal bleeding.

Some poisons work faster than others,for example the rat poison that works in one dose is very strong compared to others that require several doses of poison to actual kill rodent.
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I don't think they would sell just the vitamin K. Cooked broccoli has a lot of Vitamin K in it....you maybe could try that but I doubt it would be enough. I would think you'd need something injectable. If she's eaten rat poison she's in trouble, I'm afraid.

You could try calling the agriculture department of a local college tomorrow, and see what they suggest. The Ohio State University will help you if you talk to their ag department, though that's long distance for you, of course. Or, call the Alabama State Ag department and see what they suggest.
I have not called a vet as it was too late in the evening for that when I discovered this. Actually, I'm not positive that that is what is wrong with her, but I went out to clean the pen today where all the corn was on the floor, and get it up, and I saw 2 small pieces of the green pellet kind "final bite" laying there. I never put poison out in the open or outside because of the animals we have, but I did have some from about 2 yrs ago inside the house inside of a cabinet that no one uses. Apparently the mouse transported that outside onto the porch where the hen stays. She couldn't have gotten very much of it, so it was only a couple of stray pieces, but I couldn't think of what else could be wrong with her. There is another thread that I made a week or so ago that says "Help something is wrong with my chicken and I don't know what it is"., describing her symptoms. About a week or so ago, we found her laying on the floor where she had apparently fallen off the roost, and was laying on her side, breathing very hard with mouth open. Couldn't see anything wrong with her and she had been fine about 3 hours or so before that when she went to bed. When we got her up and tried to stand her up, she would just fall over and couldn't walk and would flap around trying to walk. I researched all through the night, checking on her all through and making sure she stayed on the floor on the hay and not laying on the cold concrete floor. She had white poop on her butt and some of it was hard. I clipped the feathers, and at the end of the night I was almost resigned that she was displaying symptoms of egg bound, so by that time it was morning, and when I got everything up to go take care of it and do an exam, she was fine walking around like normal. Haven't had any more episodes at all like that until last night. It was worse this time, she would just lay on her side and when I went to check on her, she was still in the same position and the side of her face was wet where she had dribbled. I took her in with me and held her and noticed that she was very hot. Her legs and her back was hot like fever, so I set to get her fever down by putting a cool wet washrag on her skin on her back and her neck. She was still breathing hard and I couldn't get her to take any liquid from the dropper, so couldn't give her any asprin to help. I kept turning the rag so it would stay cool. Eventually she started groaning some and then threw up some small amount of brownish liquid, then did it again. It was not much though, then groaning again while throwing up the second time, she passed an egg that broke when it came out. A few minutes after that, she seemed very tired and like she was trying to go to sleep. I didn't know if she was trying to sleep or dieing. Her breathing seemed to be some better though. After a little while, I put her in the sink in some warm water just enough to cover her bottom and wash it and her feet, she seemed to like it. I dried her off with a towel, sat her on a large puppy stay dry pee pad, and wrapped her in a towel and held her for a long time. Her breathing was better and her fever seemed to have gone down some. I did get her to take about 4 drops of electrolyte water with Cephlixin in it, but that was all she would do. After a while I kept her wrapped and put her in a clothes basket to stay the night. I kept a check on her by my bed, and she seemed like she was sleeping okay. This morning she was more alert an fever was gone. Did get her to drink 2 droppers full of the electrolyte with med in it. I then put her in a cage and she sat up fine and was alert. This afternoon, I took her and put her back on her porch, after I cleaned it up (which is when I found the poison pieces), and she was walking some and drinking a good bit of water, but don't think she ate anything. She would walk a little and then sit down, but no falling over or anything like that, seems alert, but is not walking normally, kind of slow and not really wobbly but just different. Her legs were stiff last night through all of that, but are not now. I thought at first she was having some kind of seizure. She is doing a lot better today. I couldn't find any K1 vitamin, but I did get some electrolyte with K2 in it and also some K3 vitamins from Walmart. Should I start giving her some, and how much? She probably weighs about 3 or so lbs and is about 1 yr old. The vitamin K2-D3 is the only thing anyone had with vitamin K in it other than the electrolyte, it has K2 which is supposed to be a synthetic man made duplicate of K1 (supposedly), but it has all kinds of other stuff in it too. Which should I do, and do you think that the symptoms are of rat poison. She doesn't have a runny nose or sick funny eyes or sneezing or anything like that. I have no idea what it could be if it isn't that. Will it hurt her to give her the vitamin if that's not what it is. Should I worm her now with her being so weak and sick? What do you suggest. Sorry so long, but wanted you to get the whole picture. Never had any problem with her before it's just weird. Her comb is red not pinkish, and she has 1 small spot of blackish gray on it I think the cold did it or the rooster did it earlier on. She is in the basket now, haven't given her any meds since this morning with the Cephlexin. She seems good, no fever no hard breathing, and alert when you walk up on her. Any advise would be appreciated.
The girl at the tractor supply co, said that she was curious when I called and wanted to find out, so she did some research online and Wicapedia and that somewhere she went said that a chicken would have to eat a whole bunch of it to do harm and she showed me a large stick of it, and I told her it was the other kind of pellets, and she said that it said that it would take less of that kind, but that they would still have to eat a lot to do damage. She didn't eat a lot as there were just some stray pieces laying in with the corn, but may have been enough to make her deathly sick. Would it affect her nervous system and make her not be able to walk, and would it affect her permanently? Should I give her the K2-D3 vitamin, and how much? I know it said for 30 days, just didn't see how much, and would it hurt if it has the D3 stuff in there with the K2? Should I continue to give her the electrolyte water? Or should I continue to give her the Cephlexin? Don't know what to do.
Well, thankfully, she is very spoiled and won't eat just anything, so if she did taste a piece of it, I'm sure she wouldn't have eaten much of it. As far as broccoli, she will not eat that, I've tried to get her to eat that before and she will not. She is so spoiled she wants nothing but grapes, spaghetti strings, Chinese food, doughnuts, scrambled eggs, ect. She won't hardly even eat any bread. She might eat a piece or two but that's it, however she loves cake, and will hardly eat any lettuce either. Very picky!!! I don't put much stock in the Ag department since they did me like they did with the necropsy a while back, so I don't know how much use they would be, even if you could get someone to answer. I hope she continues to get better. If I don't get an answer from someone soon about how much vitamin K and if I can use the K2-D3 stuff, or if I should just use the electrolyte stuff with the K2 in it or what to do. I'm going to make her some electrolyte water and give that to her, just with I knew if it would be okay to give her the K2-D3 stuff and how much to do.
What about getting some vitamin k tablets from a health food store? You'd still have to figure out how much to give. I don't even know if they have vitamin K, but probably.
Some place like the Vitamin Shoppes.
I did finally find a vitamin K2 & D3 vitamin at Walmart in the vitamin section. A bottle of it was 9.00. The vitamins are kind of like vitamin E, in that they are gel coated and have oily liquid inside them. I broke it open and poured into the water and fed it with a dropper. The TSC had some electrolyte powder that had vitamin K3 in it which she said she looked up and it said that K3 was a manmade synthetic that was the same as vitamin K, so I got that too. I haven't used the powder ones yet as I already had some electrolyte powder of another time and was using that, but I'm sure it was probably the same mixture of vitamins. I put the broken vitamin oil in with the electrolyte water and gave that to her for a few days a couple of times a day. She's fine now and acts like nothing was ever wrong. Thanks for the help.

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