Could I possibly have got salmonella poisoning ?

I would lean towards being VERY sure that it is salmonella before treating. But that is just my opinion. I saw on the news today that there is a resurgence of the flu going around which causes intestinal issues. So, really could be that. I would get tested first before jumping to conclusions. No one likes being that sick, but meds for no reason are harmful too.

I am OCD about handwashing after handling the animals. I am surprised I have any skin left on my hands.
I've heard the Flu is going around but my neighbor is convinced my ducks have her son salmonella. I'm thinking about bringing their poop to a vet so they can test it.
Certainly get tested - even if the kid has salmonella, you won't know if the ducks have it unless you get their fecal test done for it. If they don't have it, even if he does, then you are in the clear.

For all we know, he was also handling turtles or snakes or something else.
I'm gonna call the vet tomorrow and see if they can run some tests. I've literally been washing my hands to the point that they are raw. I'm gonna clean out the fridge and freezer later today and wipe it down with bleach wipes. This is a just in case type thing ya know. Kinda not trying to accidentally kill the neighborhood kids.
I hope your chicks did not come from Mt healthy. They had outbreak of salmonella

Their new slogan: "Mt. Healthy - Our birds are not so healthy after all." Ok, ok maybe not something to joke about... salmonella outbreaks suck, I'm sure.

On another note, I read that if a duck (or any other animal) is carrying salmonella, they act like they are sick (lethargic, diarrhea, etc.). I always thought they just carried it without symptoms, but apparently not so. Is this true?
Good to know! Although I will think twice about cuddling with ill chicks. I thought hatcheries were kept sanitized like hospitals. At least the one I visited was

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