You know you're an animal lover when _______.

When I tell myself I am going to take the "Leeking" new cat back to the cat rescue!!!!
Then when he went missing I spent the entire day like an idiot yelling his name up and down the yard for hours and then when he finally comes home all wet and freezing cold I end up rushing for a towel to dry him and love on him! - Darn? WHY!!!!!!!!! He is still weeing on my seat!
Have pitty on me lord before I need water wings!

Oes - Drowning !!!!!!! Why does he pee on my seat?????? Not on DHs? UGH?

Easy fix....switch chairs when DH is not looking!

DH has a bigger sofa and it does not fit where mine sits. - Or I would have done it

Is he fixed? A not fixed male cat will pee on...Well everything.

Yes he is "fixed" He is a rescue and the rescue centre always "fixes them" before they release them to torture their new parents! Darn did I say PARENTS! OMG - I love him?
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@oesdog I have a number of cats some of them pee in the house occasionally I deal with it... But often when it's a single cat peeing in your home it's a issue with the litter. Cats have very sensitive foot pads and he may just not like the texture of the litter your using... Try changing your litter it might solve the problem.

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