Duck can't walk or stand, and doesn't seem to have any feeling in legs


5 Years
Jul 27, 2014
Hi, I'm the owner of five ducks. Two Rouens, two Khaki Campbells, and one black Indian Runner. So yesterday morning I let out the ducks to roam the yard like they always do, and I went back inside to do some cleaning. Later I looked out the window and saw that the Indian Runner, Gatsby, was missing from the flock. Me and my sister searched our five acres and eventually found him on the endge of our yard with his legs sprawled behind him. He couldn't get up or move his legs, so we brought him inside. He is currently staying in a dog kennel with towels under him and has constant access to food and water. We also bring him into the living room with us because he enjoys the company. He doesn't seem to be in pain, and is in good spirits. He doesn't seem to have any feeling in his legs also. This morning I gave him a bath, and he was able to spin in circles in the tub, although we couldn't tell if his legs had anything to do with it. I got my ducks on May 20th when they were a week old, and they are fully feathered. We believe Gatsby is a male, although he came unsexed so I don't know for sure. I haven't foound a vet that will see him. We feed our ducks Purina flock raiser, but they also eat grass, clover, bugs, and we give them treats of grapes and strawberries and the like.

I also found a spot of blood mixed with what I thought must be steri-fluid the size of about a quarter on his left thigh, but I couldn't see the wound through the matted feathers. On second thought, it may not have even been his blood, as our neighbor's dog currently has a sore on his face that spreads blood and saliva on whatever he touches, and he has been known to nuzzle and be affectionate with my ducks, so the blood may be his. My ducks also have been experimenting with flying lately, so it may be a spinal injury? Please share any advice, I don't want to lose my baby. :C
With that small amount of blood and no noticeable wound it's possible he may have been bitten by something? Is there a local vet you can take him to?
He could have been bitten by something, but I gently pressed on the area with added pressure and he had no reaction. The spot in question is right above his thigh, and he definitely has control and feeling in the rest of his body, so it's not hurting him or causing him too much discomfort.

Not until Tuesday at the earliest. I'm 17 and have been watching my siblings this weekend, which /of course/ had to be when he got hurt. :/ My parents are backpacking, and will be back late tomorrow evening, and they should be able to book an appointment and may have more ideas. So far the best I can do is keep him comfortable and try to follow any advice that comes my way.

EDIT: After reading around I guess it could be an infection, parasites, or niacin deficiency, along with the other theories of an animal attack of some sort or an injury from landing funny after flying. I don't have any conclusive evidence that would point to one theory over the others, so any advice would definitely help. Also, he seems to have a bit more of his "gusto" back today than yesterday when we found him. Not overly optimistic because I don't want to get my hopes up, and he hasn't shown any improvement in the leg area, but I hope he recovers....
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Poor guy...did you give him some niacin? I figure if it was a venomous bite it could easily kill the nerves around the wound site. I've seen snakes strike at stubborn chickens who thought they were especially fat worms! Luckily for them it was just a garter snake, but if it had been a rattler I shudder to think what could have happened.

I'll keep him and you in my thoughts. Guess all you can do is continue to keep him warm and well-fed and see if he pulls through. Give him some pets ans a pea for me!
Haha, thanks for the tip! I believe we have some around for our dog.... (we give her that and glucosamine 'cuz she has old lady hips. We just buy the tablets meant for humans). Luckily where we live there aren't any venomous snakes. The worst we have to worry about is coyotes, owls, and bald eagles (we live in the woods in western Washington State). For the niacin would you suggest it to be mixed with his water or food?
Anyway, it's past 11 here so I should turn in for the night. I'll search to see if we have any niacin on hand in the morning. I should also give him another bath too see if he has regained any movement. Hopefully third day's the charm?
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alright, so I sprinkled part of a broken up niacin tablet into his water. Fingers crossed! No new leg movement, but I brought him outside to see his ducky friends, who have been quacking at the doors nonstop the last few days. They must be concerned. :/ Noticed while I was giving him a bath that there was poop stuck to his feathers (which is to be expected), but it was the color of mint chocolate chip ice cream but a bit more vibrant and chalky. This doesn't seem like normal poop, but, well, these aren't exactly normal circumstances. I also checked where his "wound" would be, but found nothing out of the ordinary. I don't think it was his blood after all.
Mint green colour is bad news, I would put him on a course of antibiotics if you can. Niacin will not really help an animal that is showing some sort of paralysis. Has the bird had access to anything that could cause aspergillosis (

Niacin deficiencies usually show up if you're not using a commercial feed and SHOULD show up to more than just the 1 duck in your flock. Do you have them on stress-aid?
We do live in a damp environment, so I suppose a fungal problem is a possibility. The symptoms don't seem to match so much though.
We do live in a damp environment, so I suppose a fungal problem is a possibility. The symptoms don't seem to match so much though.

I highly doubt it's fungal. The vet told me that fungal issues almost always arise in the form of aspergillosis, and that it's actually very rare to find in ducks. I've also never heard of a toxic fungi resulting in very specific paralysis?

And yeah, light green runny poop is a really bad sign. He's probably dehydrated. Poor ducky! He needs to get to a vet ASAP, he's in a lot of trouble.

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