Duck can't walk or stand, and doesn't seem to have any feeling in legs

I had someone return some ducks that had aspergillisis, very listless and eventually near the end very deep struggled breathing. They were fed mouldy food. It could be staph... are any joints swollen or hot to the touch?
His poop isn't runny, just light green. I'll ask if we can get him in soon. :/ At the very least we will try to get him on some antibiotics. Apparently something very similar happened to some friend's ducks after they got into some poisonous plants kept in their ornamental garden. :p

Although he still cant move his legs, he has begun trying to use his beak to push himself up and move his weight from one side to the next. Maybe he's regaining some feeling?

EDIT: His poop is now more of a whitish color with a little bit of green...
Also, found a very similar story to mine on this page:

Apparently before my parents left (before I got up) they noticed the ducks grazing by the foxgloves in our garden and one of the "safe" plants they were nibbling on was leaning on a foxglove, so it's possible he got a nibble of foxglove on accident. :p I don't know if it would cause paralysis, but he would definitely be sick.
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Good news, I think? Although he still doesn't seem to have control of his legs (or not much control), I put him out with his flock for a little bit so he could have a little time in the sunshine with his fellow ducks. I went inside for a few minutes, and when I came out again, I noticed he wasn't where I left him. He was like six feet away! I think he has been using his wings and beak to scoot around the yard, so at least he hasn't given up, and has the strength to move around in less conventional ways than walking.

EDIT: Also, this might just be wishful thinking, but when I brought him in for the night, I thought I saw him move his legs a tiny bit, especially his left one
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Good news, I think? Although he still doesn't seem to have control of his legs (or not much control), I put him out with his flock for a little bit so he could have a little time in the sunshine with his fellow ducks. I went inside for a few minutes, and when I came out again, I noticed he wasn't where I left him. He was like six feet away! I think he has been using his wings and beak to scoot around the yard, so at least he hasn't given up, and has the strength to move around in less conventional ways than walking.

EDIT: Also, this might just be wishful thinking, but when I brought him in for the night, I thought I saw him move his legs a tiny bit, especially his left one
That's great news. When you put him in the tub for a swim does he use his legs at all? also watch he doesn't rub his wing tips raw using them to get around. I'd try and keep him on soft grass.
No, so far he hasn't been using his legs in the tub. And when he's been outside I've been putting him on the lawn where it's nice and soft. It also allows me to go inside if I have to and be able to see him.

EDIT: Since he was seen the day before he got sick nibbling foxglove, and since foxglove has been known to cause muscle paralysis, I think that's what he got into. I found help from another site that said to mix a fine powder of active charcoal with water and give that to him to help flush the toxins out, so I'm switching between that and regular water for him every few hours. Hopefully I get encouraging results. Unfortunately I can't keep him outside unsupervised anymore as the other ducks have begun to eat the feathers on his butt/back area. Luckily it seems that birds who have gotten foxglove poisoning, if they don't die in the first day, usually recover after several days of rest, and during that time they will act very tired and a bit lethargic, which seems to fit the bill, although my little guy seems pretty determined.
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No, so far he hasn't been using his legs in the tub. And when he's been outside I've been putting him on the lawn where it's nice and soft. It also allows me to go inside if I have to and be able to see him.

EDIT: Since he was seen the day before he got sick nibbling foxglove, and since foxglove has been known to cause muscle paralysis, I think that's what he got into. I found help from another site that said to mix a fine powder of active charcoal with water and give that to him to help flush the toxins out, so I'm switching between that and regular water for him every few hours. Hopefully I get encouraging results. Unfortunately I can't keep him outside unsupervised anymore as the other ducks have begun to eat the feathers on his butt/back area. Luckily it seems that birds who have gotten foxglove poisoning, if they don't die in the first day, usually recover after several days of rest, and during that time they will act very tired and a bit lethargic, which seems to fit the bill, although my little guy seems pretty determined.
My goodness you are right, I had to dig up and give away all my fox glove when I brought my flock here. and hopefully the activated charcoal will do the trick. Good for you doing research. { I'd get rid of all the fox glove. ]
His poops are getting better, thanks to the charcoal, and his eating has picked up to just under his normal level. Still no leg activity though.
He's being spoiled rotten with treats (especially home-grown blueberries, his favorite). The night before he got hurt I had a dream one of the ducks got hurt and then something about feet, which I thought was odd. Then last night me and my sister both had a dream he had recovered almost all his leg activity, but was still a little weak and limping. Strange. Usually don't believe in prophetic dreams, but now I'm starting to hope they're true...
His poops are getting better, thanks to the charcoal, and his eating has picked up to just under his normal level. Still no leg activity though.
He's being spoiled rotten with treats (especially home-grown blueberries, his favorite). The night before he got hurt I had a dream one of the ducks got hurt and then something about feet, which I thought was odd. Then last night me and my sister both had a dream he had recovered almost all his leg activity, but was still a little weak and limping. Strange. Usually don't believe in prophetic dreams, but now I'm starting to hope they're true...
I hope they come true too. Be careful to follow flush directions so you don't get your little one constipated or dehydrated. Can you massage his legs, like after he has had a warm bath lay him on a towel and do some leg massages. By the way how does his legs feel cold, warm or any thing else?

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