Things Chickens Eat, Ideas for Childrens' Book

CG Raine

5 Years
Oct 19, 2014
Hey All!

I'm currently writing and illustrating a book about a farmyard and its characters, my fav being the Old Biddie Hen gals; I'm looking for ideas for this one illustration, where they are in the barn playing Bingo, and on the bingo board are things chickens eat, instead of numbers; these will also be reflected on their playing cards.

So far, I have general things like insects, grass, vegetable and fruits, grains, and water drops. Since there are so many boxes on the board, can anyone let me know what else they may eat?

I can stretch it out to include a multitude of of each of the above, just wondering if there was other things to use..maybe different colored seeds, but not sure if the kids would recognize a bunch of dots in a box as seeds, lol, they will all have to be painted kind of small being a bingo board and small cards. Anyway, thanks in advance!

awesome thank you for the links!! tons of stuff to put on their scratch and peck board!

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