Quail starter feed mix

Thanks for the link :)
I will keep this thread posted on breeding.

Just found out my layer feed has 15.1% protein and 1.5% calcium

Thinking of growing moringa trees and sprinkling dried, powdered leaves on feed daily. Any thoughts anyone?
You may go through roosters faster than normal on that feed. Quail roosters have no way to process that much calcium and it can ruin their kidneys having to try. I understand it's what you can get your hands on, but if they sell it with less calcium you'd be better off that way.
Broiler starter has 0.9% but bit more expensive. Actually it's just my breeding stock that needs it so I can afford it. Is 0.9% okay?

For the other roosters, I sex them at 3 weeks and they are sold as pets or for meat when they are 6 weeks old. 2 months is their maximum lifespan
By the way, they smell awful. I use EM in drinking water but still... Is there anything I can use to dry their poop, so to speak...

Im thinking of composting

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