Lazy Peachick

And let me add to what Kathy said, start with the APPLE pedialyte.

If that cherry-flavored pedialyte has any dye in it (if it's pink or red) and the bird passes the dye through to its poop, we are all going to have heart attacks and pass out when we see the photos, thinking the bird is passing blood
Oh, already gave him the one with cherry, but don't worry it has no color, looked almost like water.
I use sugar water. I say you should put some garlic in her might help. Garlic does lots of wonderful things in might opinion. Helps strengthen immune system with Vitamin C and it is a wormer. Still wish I knew what chemical it had in it that makes it a wormer.
Just checked their coop, can't find new poop but their is some water on the ground, don't know if he could pooped watery poo?!
Everyone, once you start giving fluids, they *should* start pooping clear water. This is normal.

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So apparently the reason Garlic is a great natural medicine is because of all the Sulfur it contains. I know Sulfur kills external parasites.

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