How on earth do I plug up Rat holes in a stone building in the middle of winter?

:( I looked up Bromethalin and it does say there can be secondary poisoning if a dog eats the rat. It's just too scary for me to have poison around! Even if the risk is small I just could never forgive myself if one of my other animals got sick.

Seems you have an infestation if you are able to actually see one.

Should you decide trapping is impractical, this link may help on an alternative poison.
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Thank you! Trapping is certainly a pain. I am hoping what I have is a new colony trying to establish....I hope. There is a foreclosed house on the other side of us. I took a look in the window and there are rats in there...tons of poop and all the debris left in the house is shredded. And for sure there is nothing of real food value to eat in there anymore. In November we actually had a rat hanging from our back door looking in the little glass window trying to get in our house! The dogs chased that one and several more!

There is just not enough food gone from the feeders for me to believe we have a really large population. At least again...I hope not.
The rats are entombed... for the complete saga search for "Neighbor hates my chickens". I just posted pictures of the entombed rats. I got lucky... but what worked to block the holes was spray foam specifically for pest control. My puppy wouldn't even touch it. No poison, just bitter flavoring. The rats have not touched it. There are at least 3 we have seen at one time, but we saw an undetermined amount that were behind the three. They are stuck up in the eave of the chicken coop....desperately trying to get out. It has been a 1 1/2 days they have been stuck in there. I will never, ever be foolish enough again to believe that I only have one or two rats!!!! :)
You will need to be proactive on your pest control.

I would seriously doubt you got them all
I hope we got the colony! If not we will keep spraying to keep them out and the chickens will stay in.

Our situation is unique because 3 sides of the coop are surrounded by cement and/or gravel as the coop is the last remaining part of a huge barn that was taken down. The other side is tunnel free right now, but they have tried to tunnel there in the past. The problem for the rats was that they couldn't tunnel into the building underground no matter how hard they tried, so they gave up. The rats are limited to tunnels they can make in between the stones or the cinderblock. This AM... no tracks in the snow and no water gone outside from the dish. We have spray foamed every crack inside and out... no damage to the foam overnight. I am crossing my fingers and hoping, hoping, hoping that we have entombed them all!
Rats will gnaw through concrete....floors and walls..they are almost need bait to kill them.

I get worried about my dogs ingesting rats that have eaten bait...the bait is only dangerous if the rat has undigested bait in it's stomach....if anyone thinks that their dog may have eaten a rat that has been subjected to help from a Vet...immediately..!.Rats will normally be slow in moving in their dying stage....they can be easily dispatched in this state...dispose of the carcass safely..out of the reach of other animals.

Never handle any rat...dead or alive without wearing protective gloves...they carry weil's disease which can kill a human being...rats are disgusting and serve no purpose whatsoever...

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