Need help ASAP

Ivan3 has good advice. The strain that was found on the west coast is probably not what your turkey has. Also that strain that was identified in the west is not considered dangerous to humans (just to put your mind at ease).

Perhaps your vet will be able to prescribe an antibiotic that would help treat the infection.
Correct me if I am wrong... But, I think the strain on the west coast came from British Columbia, Canada

Yes H5N2, this time (the Fraser valley poultry has been depopulated before, a few years back, for H7)// latest info:

There are a couple of vaiants "floating" around (H7) (doubt this is the original poster's problem - but lack of Hx of signs/symptoms beyond swollen head/blood?/drainage around eye - might as well cover the possible bases).
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I checked in on my turkey today and she is still alive to put it nicely, she still walking around normal but her cheeks are swollen almost like she has the mumps. she is in a pen by herself so no one else can drink and eat with her. she was doing the turkey cry (the one they use when they separate from the pack) i sprinkled lime in my barn last night. I have 1 more Turkey 7 chickens and 3 ducks and they all seem to be doing ok no one caught the bug. i havent heard from my mom yet to see if she called anyone as shes at work. but thought id update you all.
Thanks Jonathan. We are all hoping for the best with your turkey.
its been 6 days since my turkey was ill and for the last 3 her face is no longer swollen do you think its safe to like her mingle with the other birds.
So glad to hear your turkey is getting better! If she has no other symptoms such as runny nose or sneezing then it would probably be safe to let her mingle with the other birds.

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