what would you do?


6 Years
Oct 30, 2014
Shoreline Connecticut
I live in west haven ct and I cant find anything online saying roosters aren't allowed. All I saw was that I'm allowed to have 20 chickens. I currently have 2 silkies and one is a rooster that I found out yesterday when he started crowing. What would you do? Would you just assume he is allowed and go about your day? Would you call the city?
First, what is your zoning? If you are in a suburban situation, I would not get too attached to that 'roo, especially if the neighbors complain. If you are in a rural situation and zoned ag then there isn't much anyone can do about it. Of course, maybe your neighbor gets goats to combat your 'roo
You could get a collar for your rooster.

Put it on loose and then slowly tighten it. It fits like a snug sock. It allows him to live a normal life and still crow but his crow will be muffled.

I made a website about "lift rooster ban." You can google for it.

People shouldn't have to deal with loud noises from dogs either... but at least there are sensible options to keep your rooster.

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