Snow learning "Speak"

Tevyes Dad

Leader of the Quack
8 Years
Apr 22, 2014
OK guys/gals I have been working with Snow for a few days trying to teach her to speak on command. She now understands what I want, but doesn't really know it is tied into the command yet... That will come. My wife recorded part of our last session. And it was funny enough I thought I would share. I have often said Snow walks around muttering to herself and that she always has something to say. From this video you might get an idea of what I am talking about. Now I want you to realize that this is not a unique thing. Snow talks back to me most of the time whether there are treats involved or not.

Warning: not responsible for drinks blown out through noses...

We're doing the same thing with Wobbles, only we want him to learn "jump". It's going pretty good so far!
@Amykins All my ducks can "jump" as long as you hold a meal worm over their head
. None will do it without though. Snow will argue with me just because - cracks us up all the time. Hope this at least put a smile on your face. Let us know what pancake turns out to be (ostrich?) when she/he goes to her/his checkup today

Edit: Oops, just saw on the call duck thread, you already answered this question... Sorry
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gentila, you are so much better at documenting these behaviors than I ever shall be. Thanks!
I just think they are awful funny
Snow talks back to me ALL the time (why I decided she HAD to learn "speak")and this time my wife happened to catch it. I will leave the dissertation (and excellent book) writing to you
lol! That's pretty much the best video ever! Thanks for the smiles! :)

Thanks. In many if my prior posts, I talk about Snow observing things them muttering to herself as she walks off. Now people who see this can better visualize what I am talking about. I love my ducks - they are all crazy!

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