Do we have a rooster on our hands?


May 6, 2015
We have three RIR's and not sure if one is a rooster or not.. help is greatly appreciated in determining if we just have three hens or a male too.

Thank you.

It looks like you might
a better look at the saddle feathers would help.
I am going to say "yes, it looks like a rooster to me." The comb and wattles plus the legs all make it look like a rooster

I have attached a few more pictures of who we think is "Roscoe the Rooster" Let me know what you think. I tried to get better pictures of its feathers. These RIR's are about 10 weeks old or so.

The well developed and reddening comb and wattles coupled with the dark, shiny patch pattern of his plumage all point right square at cockerel, sorry.

I am not quite certain we can have roosters where we are in the county but I have thought about keeping him a while until we hatched some chicks.
The well developed and reddening comb and wattles coupled with the dark, shiny patch pattern of his plumage all point right square at cockerel, sorry.
x2 I agree 100%. Another indicator is the pointiness of his tail feathers. He looks like a very nice bird and if you need to rehome him it will be a few weeks before he starts waking up the neighbors.

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