Ordering baby chicks


5 Years
Nov 29, 2014
So I am currently saving up to order some baby chicks from Secret Hills Ranch in California (I have to save up over $300
) and I was wondering if anyone has any experience with them? Also, they can't ship because they're in lock down because of all the bird flu stuff, anyone have any idea when the bird flu is going to start getting better?
I have never heard of them. $300 is a lot of money. What do they have that you can't get elsewhere? Unfortunately A I may be here for a while.
I'm getting a Swedish black hen, cream legbars, French fire salmon marans, lavender Orpingtons, gold laced Orpingtons, chocolate orpingtons, and blue laced red wyandottes.
I'm getting a Swedish black hen, cream legbars, French fire salmon marans, lavender Orpingtons, gold laced Orpingtons, chocolate orpingtons, and blue laced red wyandottes. Their prices weren't that bad in my opinion, the only reason it'll cost so much is some of the breeds are pretty hard to find, and I'm getting several of some of the breeds. I know there's other places that have some of these birds, but a lot of places can't ship to my zip code due to dry ice on the planes? Or something like that. It's been a real chore finding a place that has most/all of the birds I want and can actually ship to me. I FINALLY found this farm, so I'm okay with waiting until the lockdown is over. @keesmom
So I am currently saving up to order some baby chicks from Secret Hills Ranch in California (I have to save up over $300
) and I was wondering if anyone has any experience with them? Also, they can't ship because they're in lock down because of all the bird flu stuff, anyone have any idea when the bird flu is going to start getting better?

I didn't know who that was and googled them. They are overpriced for some shoddy quality Marans. I don't know about the quality of the other breeds. I personally wouldn't buy from them.
@ladycat Oh. What makes the quality bad?
Also, I'm not buying them to show or breed, just have a serious obsession with chickens and I love these breeds, if that makes any difference.
Where are you located that there's ice on planes?

I ordered mine through Murray mcmurry hatchery. I don't know if they have all the breeds you're looking for though.

Like you I just have a chicken obsession. I'm not concerned about show quality
@jaide In the southwest corner of Missouri. Any breeders in Florida, Georgia, etc. can't ship to me. And Murray Mcmurry doesn't have what I want, to get the breeds I want I have to get them from a breeder, not a hatchery. And yeah, not too concerned about having perfect quality as I'm just using them for eggs and to look at because I think they're beautiful lol, I will probably hatch out some chicks though, just for myself and maybe some family members.

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