Ordering baby chicks

I didn't know who that was and googled them. They are overpriced for some shoddy quality Marans. I don't know about the quality of the other breeds. I personally wouldn't buy from them.
I googled them too. The Faverolles are very expensive for some average birds.

Where are you located that there's ice on planes?
It's dry ice that's on planes. There's a lot more of it flying around than you would think, and live shipments can't go on those flights.
I'm getting a Swedish black hen, cream legbars, French fire salmon marans, lavender Orpingtons, gold laced Orpingtons, chocolate orpingtons, and blue laced red wyandottes. Their prices weren't that bad in my opinion, the only reason it'll cost so much is some of the breeds are pretty hard to find, and I'm getting several of some of the breeds. I know there's other places that have some of these birds, but a lot of places can't ship to my zip code due to dry ice on the planes? Or something like that. It's been a real chore finding a place that has most/all of the birds I want and can actually ship to me. I FINALLY found this farm, so I'm okay with waiting until the lockdown is over. @keesmom

I agree, you will have a hard time finding anywhere else that will offer all the breeds you specify. You'll either have to pay a premium to get them all from one place, or pay with stress and extra shipping (and probably extra chicks) to get them from multiple sources.

Looking online, I see only good remarks about the place, though admittedly most of the reviews seem about horses and such instead of chicks.
Here is a page with some comments from BYC members:
@popsicle Thanks for finding that page for me! And I did figure that it would be better to just order them from there instead of a bunch of different places and have to quarantine all the birds and try introducing them to each other.
I've been to Secret Hills Ranch a few times. VERY clean. I got some birds from her and while she might be pricier than some, especially compared to hatchery birds, I think it's worth it particularly if you are looking for certain breeds and a clean NPIP certified breeder. I drove 2 hours to get chicks from her twice and have gone another time with a friend. You might want to pop into the SoCal and San Diego threads for add'l opinions.



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