Cackle Hatchery Purebred Bantam Assortment


8 Years
Jul 4, 2015
I have an order of x15 chicks from Cackle Hatchery's purebred bantam assortment due to ship this Wednesday, May 24th. Between that and the shipment of Button Quail eggs we have coming soon I'm over the moon with excitement due to this being the first we've been able to add to our small farm life in over two years.

I'm hoping anyone who has received any bantam assortments from Cackle this year could post any pictures you have of your babies once they arrived. I just wanna see everyone elses babies and maybe even the ID of some of them to fuel my excitement! How was yalls orders from Cackle this year? Did yall get any extras long with what you ordered? and did all if not most of the babies arrived alive and healthy?
Yes, I ordered from cackle and got an order of bantams. I didn't get any extras and 3 arrived dead, and 5 more looked really bad. Now, out of the 20 I ordered, only 11 are still alive. Just kidding, they are all great and I got 3 extras, cackle is amazing!
When I say my stomach dropped i mean it :lol:! I needed that laugh, that and your reply has put my mind to ease a little. I've never used Cackle before and I'm hoping for a good experience with them! I'm glad your littles are doing so well! I heard they put in extras in case of any DOA's but im hoping for 0 DOA's and maybe even an extra or two because if you ask me, you can never have to many Bantams!❤️
Now we wait :D:D I’m assuming most likely Friday morning


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I order twice from them and everything was great and arrive fast to California took only a two days and got three extras, order the Crazy chicken lady package, will be ordering from them again.
Depending on how this assortment comes, I have my next few breeds picked out that I want to order. I’m also very curious about those hatchery surprise mystery boxes they have. I haven’t heard anyone get their shipment the next day so I’m assuming it’ll take Atleast two days if not three. But I’m hoping it doesn’t take three
I got my shipment this morning! The babies are getting settled, ordered 15 and they sent 18 all alive and healthy! I even got two or three of the porcelain D’uccles I was really hoping for! I’ll post pictures in a bit for help to ID some of the ones that I don’t know once I’ve made sure they’ve all eaten and drank after their trip.
I got my shipment this morning! The babies are getting settled, ordered 15 and they sent 18 all alive and healthy! I even got two or three of the porcelain D’uccles I was really hoping for! I’ll post pictures in a bit for help to ID some of the ones that I don’t know once I’ve made sure they’ve all eaten and drank after their trip.

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