
  1. The chicken nurd

    Chicken names

    hi everyone this is just for fun (and I’m kinda bored) so what are the names of your chickens or other poultry My hens are beauty, brownie, goldy, midnight, pecky, sunset, yugy, star, onyx, strawberry, copper and chicky (I didn’t name all of those)
  2. Blue Raptor


  3. LizzzyJo

    Looking for ideas for chicken entertainment during freezing temps!

    I am one of those chicken keepers who relies 100% on free ranging for chicken entertainment :oops: BUT - I now have two resident red tailed hawks in my backyard. So, I need chicken toy/entertainment ideas. I have seen a lot on here already (swing, hanging cabbage, etc.) but I'm sure people are...
  4. V

    Is normal for chickens to be sleepy during day?

    Hi, I have a baby, is 4 months old and the summer just gone here in Japan. I noticed that my baby Vanilla is having naps. He is healthy and energetic when is not napping, is a 🐓 roo, but I'm keeping him alone because he born alone and met other chickens when he was 2 month old but never got...
  5. CHlCKEN

    Sick hen, is super bored!

    I have a hen on the road to recovery from being egg bound with a broken egg. She sits in a box all day and likes to jump out and explore her room. I’m moving her to a crate so she can’t get out however she is super bored and I can tell just by looking at her. However I want her to eat the...
  6. CHlCKEN

    Chicken Toys

    It’s been rainy a lot, and we have had a lot of workers coming to work on a fence and things, this stuff leads to us having to keep our birds in their run all day with nothing to do. What are some fun toys and things I can put in for them?
  7. ShrekDawg

    Name a Band

    Saw this on FB and thought it would be fun to try here so figured I’d copy it and share here!!! Not entirely sure how it will work here since it’s a little different than FB but we can try it haha ignore the repost bit. Just reply I guess. Copied it straight from FB 😂🤣🙈 Anyway.... Name a BAND...
  8. TheChiggens

    Anyone Who Is Bored CHAT

    Anyone wanna start a poultry-related or none poultry-related conversation by saying something. And then we can continue to express our viewpoints or stories etc. And see how far we can go. Lol just kinda bored. So how about I start it off- What your Christmas traditions? What do you eat? What's...
  9. cluckmecoop7

    My chickens are getting a little bored...

    Hi everyone, I am recovering from a cold right now and can't give my chickens as much a attention as usual. They are used to getting a lot of attention. I don't want them to get bored and start feather picking, etc. :hmm Does anyone have any ideas that I could make/do for my chickens? It would...
  10. Pearlmybirb

    I have an anti social

    This is my first day on here and its already been super helpful. But i seem to need more help haha. My bird is quite antisocial as i would call it. In her first home, her owners gave her to my neighbor because she was causing problems with other chickens. In my neighbors home she was always...
  11. Jetblack2004

    Bored? Have a go at this quick and easy This or That!

    Hello BYC! If you are totally bored right now and what something to do then quickly have a go at my This or That! I'm sure most of you have heard this quiz/game since there are a lot on the internet. Basically you choose you favourite. Sun or Moon? Day or Night? Black or White? Questions like...
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