buff orpington

  1. 5 Best Chicken Breeds for Children

    5 Best Chicken Breeds for Children

    Keeping backyard chickens is a great way for children to learn responsibility, without the obligation of daily walks or training that comes with indoor pets. The care and feeding of a small flock of hens is something even young children should be able to handle with some supervision. For...
  2. F

    Five Buff Orpington's

    Just acquired five adult Buff Orpington hens. They're pretty resilient - they seem unfazed by a dog that barks now and then, me running a power drill and saw nearby, or different family members coming and going. Am I correct that it's important to provide raised areas so their feet aren't in...
  3. G

    Finally @ 30 weeks

    Have no clue which girl laid out first egg, but by golly we’ve got 1!!! They are 30weeks and 2 days, I was beginning to think it would never happen.
  4. D

    Hello I'm New Here!

    Hi I'm Dawn from Oregon. (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? I used to help with my mother-in-laws chickens, but now I have my own raised from hatchlings. (2) How many chickens do you have right now? I have 3 (3) What breeds do you have? Buff Orpington, Speckled...
  5. D

    Old chicken door original barn- third bay garage, so cool!

    Hey everyone! Cleared out my garage and found an old door that must be for chickens back in the day. We were moving our small coop into the third bay of the garage where it is conveniently located. Made a nice setup and my neighbor who happens to be a carpenter made a nice little ladder/ramp to...
  6. Chickie friend

    Any guess on gender?

    I have three 10 1/2 week old chicks. I was wondering about gender because we aren't allowed to have roosters. There is one each of a barred rock, a Cuckoo maran, and a buff orpington. They were all bought as pullets but the maran and the Orpington have been kinda chest bumping? The maran is...
  7. C

    Buff Orpington Male or Female?

    19-week-old Buff Orpington. Not crowing or anything, but the wattles and comb seem larger than what I've seen in pictures of hens.
  8. lancasterflock

    Are these guys both pullets???

    Welp, here’s what I know. I was sold these two “girls” from a local farm. I don’t know how old they are but both of them have smallish combs, starting to turn a little red in the face, legs are both approximately the same size. I’m a little hung up on one in particular as I see a little...
  9. TARDIS37379

    Dead Chicks

    I ordered 36 Buff Orpington female chicks and 3 males. I spent time having everything ready and the brooder clean and set up for them. When the box was opened 18 were dead. The box had a divider in the middle and one side were happy and healthy and the other side was a pile of dead chicks. The...
  10. 4UrbanHens

    Miami Fl - Free Buff Orpington Roosters

    Hello Friends! Soon I will need to re-home some beautiful and sweet buff orpington cockerels that I purchased as part of a straight run set of chicks. They are still young, but I wanted to put the message out there with time. We are located in Miami, FL, please let me know if you are interested...
  11. Niskukudori

    Buff Orpington Roo?

    Hello! I just bought an 8 week old buff orpington pullet, and after comparing her to my 8-10 week old buff orpington that I already had, I realized my buff orpington looked like a cockrell! I really hope this isn't the case, because he/she is one of my favorite chickens. Could I get some help...
  12. Margaret Hatcher

    Margaret Hatcher

    This is my new buff orpington chick, Margaret Hatcher!! She's the sweetest thing!
  13. MrsJones05

    Frizzled Buff Orpington, or being picked on?

    Hi, my little 9 week buff orpy's feathers seem to be curling up instead of smooth like her 2 sisters. also bare spots underneath. I haven't seen any picking, but she also seems thin. Her breast bone is very prominant.
  14. KerriChick

    New Chicken Lady-hello!

    Greetings and glad to be here! We finally bit the bullet and bought a mixed flock of 4 brown egg layer chicks in early April of this year when it became clear we would be spending a lot of time with our 3 kids(11,7,6) at home in the coming months! We live in the far east bay burbs of SF. It has...
  15. echickens

    Looking to buy 2-3 Pullets (Preferably 10-14 weeks old) near NJ

    Hi everyone, I'm looking to purchase 2-3 pullets to join my flock. I need a couple more chickens for the winter and my current flock is around 12 weeks old. I am looking for Buff Orpington, Speckled Sussex, Jersey Giant, or Wyandotte, but I'm not too picky as long as the breed will be friendly...
  16. 4UrbanHens

    Buff Orpington - Florida

    Anyone know of a reputable & humane breeder of Buff Orpingtons? Preferably in Florida or at least someone who ships to Florida? I am having a hard time finding a good place to purchase buff orpington chicks or hatching eggs from. Please help, thanks!
  17. A

    Buff orpington

    Help me sex my 5 week old buff Orpington.
  18. B

    9 week old Buff Orpington, rooster or hen!?

    We have a 9 week old Buff Orpington, is it a rooster or a hen? We’re thinking rooster? We only got one of this breed in our batch of 12 chicks so we don’t have another one to compare it to. We are also new to chickens, so we’d love to know! Thanks!
  19. L

    New Member in Central Seattle, Laura Gardener

    I've been raising chickens since 2012. I started while in culinary school after seeing films of chicken factory farms. I decided that I wanted to grow my own eggs. I have 8 laying hens, three pullets who are approaching maturity, and one duck. I have 3 Amerauracanas, 3 Gold-Sex Links, 1 Dark...
  20. BuffManM

    Pullet or Roo???

    Hi Guys, so I’m pretty new to keeping chickens and I have a question that hopefully somebody with a bit more experience can help me out with. I acquired 2 buff Orpington’s yesterday (14-15 weeks old) I’m not sure if they are pullets or cocks, they also aren’t crowing.what would be the signs at...
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