chronic diarrhea

  1. A

    Orpington hen 2.5 yo with chronic diarrhea for 11 months and pendulous crop

    We have a beautiful english silverlaced orpington, Ada Lovelace, and she nearly died last November (it's August now) but she still had chronic diarrhea and I feel so bad for her. I'm hoping if I post what we've been through the last year and perhaps some of you will have tips to help rid her...
  2. E

    Chronic Diarrhea in Hen

    I have a 3 year old Easter egger who has always had runny stool. As a chick she was healthy and clean, but she had runny stool. She’s still acting fine and laying fine, but her feathers around her vent are caked with poo and I can’t get it out. She’s been to the vet and did a round of...
  3. M

    SEVERE Diarrhea

    4 week old Austrolorp. Growing at normal rate. Acting energetic and normal. Eating and drinking fine. With that said, she's had diarrhea for two weeks almost. I've treated with corid. Didnt help at all. Any other suggestions?
  4. CayugaMama

    Sick Quarantined Pullets

    Two weeks ago, I bought 3 pullets from a friend. I have them quarantined in a separate coop from my existing flock, about 20 yds away for 1 month. When I got them, I noticed they seemed to have irregular BMs. They were showing some of the signs of Coccidiosis, so I treated them with Corid. I...
  5. Goosebaby

    A gander with mysterious chronic illness

    Parsnip has had an ongoing illness or illnesses since last year, it started with his bill changing color, he was expieriencing symptoms of liver disease and/or pancreatitis, the two other threads addressing that are here...
  6. N

    Clear, watery poop

    My 8 month old girl, Red, has had watery diarrhea for a week now. She has been in isolation for 7 days with no improvement. Red: *Has grit *Only eats a little crumple each day. *Drinks a lot of water *Does NOT have an impacted crop *Has lost weight. * She will not drink water with probiotic...
  7. Eelantha

    Coccidiose, Ascaridiose, Capillariose, Heterakidose, Lice, Gape Worms - HELP! @x@

    I'll add to the above title, an almost confirmed partly blocked and/or pendulous crop. The list just keeps getting longer. My 2018 year with chickens has started with a bang - the bad kind, and it has been boiling since at least mid-december 2017. The rookie that I am in poultry unfortunately...
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