
  1. mchickies

    Papa's Poultry Legbar or Bielefelder Rooster Temperament?

    Hello everyone! I'm considering ordering chicks from Papa's Poultry in CA. He has great reviews overall and the quality seems to be amazing. Now, I'm going to order an auto-sexing breed simply because I currently have a flock of 9 Barred Rock hens, and want a specific amount of hens and one...
  2. nekocafe

    Is this a CL or something else?

    I have 3 crested cream legbars, they’re 5-6 weeks old, but one doesn’t have the crest growing, could she be a different breed? This is my first time raising this breed from chicks, and they’re so pretty! 😁
  3. DeBruhlchick

    Wanted chicks South Central kentuck

    I'm looking for chicks on my wishlist located near Morgantown Kentucky or anyone that ships chicks . I think this is the right place to post ! Forgive me I'm new !! Cream legbar Isbar - silverudd Showgirl Maran Cream legbar Welsummer Mostly dark brown , blue or green egg layers . The...
  4. Shepshill

    Venturing outside for the first time

    I know some of you raise chicks with access to the outside from very early on, but for those of you whose chicks are reared indoors, how do you introduce them to the outside world? I seem to remember reading that they should be confined to their coop for a few days so that they learn to come in...
  5. Shepshill


    At what age do combs start to turn red? After reading the advice for submitting photos, I realized the combs on my chicks are taking shape.
  6. Shepshill

    Cream Legbars

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