
  1. C

    What live/dressed weights are you getting from your heritage /crosses meat birds?

    I'm experimenting and looking for heritage breeds (New Hampshire, Bresse, Jersey, australorp, Maline) which I can reproduce and incubate eggs without needing to continuously buy them. I am also thinking of crosses, like: New Hampshire x Standard Cornish, Bresse X Standard Cornish. Open to...
  2. K

    Hello all. I was hoping to pick some brains on crosses.

    I had 2 roosters, one easter egger and one easter egger -barred cross. What eggs colors could I possibly get if they breed to my Cuckoo maran hen (lays light brown eggs), or my Ameraucana x WTB hen (lays blue eggs) , or my Ameraucana ee (lays olive eggs), or my supossed to be full White leghorn...
  3. L

    Black Americana Hen x Brown Leghorn

    Hello! Has anyone ever crossed true Americana black hen with a brown Leghorn rooster? What do the hens and roosters end up looking like? All Easter Egger layers? Hearty? Thank you for any answers and photos! ❤️🐓
  4. ChickChic00

    Sex-Linked Chickens

    I'm hoping to find some people to help me with sex linked chickens. Would a Cream Legbar x Barred rock hen make sex linked chicks? Any idea what they would look like? I'm hoping for colorful roosters. Cream Legbar x Delaware? Cream Legbar x Silver Laced Wyandotte? Cream Legbar x Columbian...
  5. M

    Help with identifying breed and sex of Easter Eggers and other crosses

    I have a few Easter Eggers and other cross breed pullets or cockerels that I need help with identifying their sex. And also help identifying which crosses they are if possible My hens are Araucanas (red, lavender, white), Cream Legbars, Black Australorps, black Olive Egger and Black Copper...
  6. J

    Identifying Barnyard Mix Chicks

    Good morning! I have just had a salmon faverolles hen hatch out 4 chicks. The only roosters on site have been buff orpingtons. One chick is white with a little dark dot on its head, and has 4 toes and feathered feet. I suspect it is a rooster from our light brahma hen rather than the fav that...
  7. Crazy Duck Lover

    Quick Question: Will my ducks be sterile?

    I was reading that hybrids and crosses will most likely be sterile!? WHAT... NOOOO! My Welsh Harlequin female is either 100% of 50% Rouen 50% Welsh. She’ll be able to produce fertilized eggs won’t she? My Khaki Campbells are mixed with Indian Runner. Will they be sterile? What about my rouen...
  8. M

    Blue Wheaten French Marans crosses

    So I have a blue wheaten marans cockerel that I am thinking of crossing with a few of my hens. I've been able to find very little on Google about crosses. Does anyone have pictures of their blue wheaten Marans mixes? I'd love to see any and all pictures, but especially x crested cream legbar...
  9. ChickChic00

    Silver Leghorn Crosses

    Does anyone have any Silver Leghorn Crosses? I have some males and just 2 females. Just wanted to know if anyone has crossed these or not because everyone usually has brown or White Leghorn Crosses. Any help or pictures would be very much appreciated!! Thanks!!
  10. angela hernandez

    what gender are these 7 w/o chicks??

    my buff cochin and ss crossed chicks are a little over 7 weeks old now. they’re doing very well, and eating nicely. however, i’m confused as to what they are lol. chick number 1 appears to be a cockerel, while 2, 3, and 4 appear to be pullets. or so i thought. 3 and 4’s posture has me confused...
  11. ChickChic00

    Barnevelder Crosses?

    Does anyone have any pictures of any Barnevelder Crosses? Any help and or pictures would be very much appreciated!! Thanks for the time!
  12. T

    Chicken genetics???

    I am newer to chickens, and really new to chicken genetics. I am wondering about how much it matters the breed of rooster vs hen. ie I’ve seen Maran over Ee to or Americana, but not the other way around, does that matter? I have an EE cockerel (gamebird rooXcream legbar hen) so if I cross with...
  13. ChickChic00


    Does anyone have any pictures of these crosses? Buckeye x Buff Orpington Buckeye x Rhode Island Red Buckeye x Delaware Buckeye x Barred Rock Buckeye x New Hampshire Buckeye x Jersey Giant White Buckeye x Jersey Giant Black Buckeye x White Leghorn Buckeye x Easter Egger Any pictures of these...
  14. ChickenPerson999999

    Broody Chicken Breeds

    What are some broody chicken breeds? I have a young 3 month old australop Cochin cross, what else can I cross her with when she gets older to make a more broody off spring the hen I have now is friendly gentle and sweet and she’s pretty and cute with a white face and belly and she has white...
  15. SBFChickenGirl

    Bielefelder x ?

    I just got a whole bunch of Bielefelder chicks. The breed is autosexing. So I was wondering if I could mix these roosters with any non barred hen, and get autosexing chicks. Would that work?
  16. KyleelyK

    Most varied chicken cross

    I want to know if anyone has continuously crossed equal part chicken breeds. Like for example, a white Leghorn x Rhode island red cross with an buff orpington x barred rock, creating a 4 way cross. Then breeding that with another 4 way cross of different breeds. If anyone has pics that would be...
  17. ChickChic00

    Price Mix Breed Chickens

    Anyone know how much I could sell 1 and a half month old Rhode Island Red, and Black Australorp Cross Roosters? I've been breeding the rir and ba for a bit and needing to make money as well. Winter is so hard. Any help is appreciated!! Thanks in advance!!
  18. WynnStormborn

    Need Cross Ideas

    I have 2 roosters I bought them both from a breeder at her facility: 1st is a pure Black Ameraucana 2nd is an Easter Egger with a pure White Ameraucana father but with similar color/pattern to a laced Barnevelder or Wyandotte (unknown mother). My hens: Easter Egger that looks exactly like the...
  19. Beccazon

    TSC rant

    OK! Seriously now! I have completely lost faith in TSC for chicks. Now, I LOVE Tractor Supply. But no longer for chicks. I know some people swear by them and others don't trust them at all. I am beginning to think that the company needs to stop using different hatcheries at each of their stores...
  20. J

    Leghorn/Legbar crosses...Boys or girls?

    Hi all, I’m pretty certain that 4 of these are White Leghorn/Cream Legbar crosses, then the fifth one I’m totally unsure of! Any idea of sex? Also any idea of breed of the odd one out?! I have a cream legbar cockerel, an Appenzeller cockerel, a pekin bantam cockerel and a serama bantam cockerel...
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