
  1. TheBirdBabe

    Duckling can't walk!

    Hello, I recently acquired a few ducklings & geese from a hatchery. My Jumbo Peking seems to have (overnight, literally) grown a deformity! Last night she was zooming around & playing with the others. She cannot walk & is obviously having trouble getting around. 🥺 Upon further inspection, it...
  2. C

    Curved breast bone

    Does anyone know if this is normal? Their breast bone is curved.. The first picture was a chicken I had to cull because she had tumors. This morning I found one of my chickens dead in the coop and when I de-feathered her, she also had a crooked breast bone. I’m wondering if this is normal. I...
  3. P

    Chick with wing malformation ?

    Hello, I had a broody hen so decided to put some fertile eggs under her that I bought locally, 3 Sussex and 3 brahmas. Every one of them hatched except one brahma, and all is going well, the mummy takes very good care of them, even now after 6 weeks. They all developed nicely, and have all got...
  4. DuckDuckJuice

    Advice Regarding Duck with Old Injury/Deformity

    Hi, I’m hoping someone can offer some helpful insights regarding our duck, aptly named Ducky. Ducky is a five month old male Pekin with a bum leg. We aren’t sure if his leg was injured at some point or if it’s a deformity, but he has walked with a considerable limp since we got him at...
  5. M

    Deformed egg

    Hi there! This deformed egg was in the nesting box this morning. It had blood on the outside and when I picked it up it was soft and yolk came out of if. It was quite small as well. Is this a corrugated egg? It’s the closest I can find but am not sure. Thank you!!
  6. L

    Slightly Crooked Beak

    It's more obvious in person, but this 4 week old (ish) chick has a slightly crooked beak. The top and bottom still meet, but will this turn into something worse?
  7. O

    Deformed wing

    Hello About 24 hours ago we hatched 7 chicks. Most were fine but one has a deformed wing. Normally I would just wait and see how it did. I already know some just die even when they look normal. I'm worried this time because it looks swollen. But I don't know if this is due to the deformity or...
  8. Solemn Opossum

    Runner Duckling with Severe Corkscrew Neck (wry neck?) and Shriveled Foot

    (First paragraph is about hatching process of all the eggs, second paragraph talks about the duckling in need) So, I ordered my duck eggs from Metzer farms (First time hatching or owning ducks) on July 1st and received them late on July 6th or 7th. On Monday, August 3rd (about 28 days), most of...
  9. S

    Quail hatched with bent legs and abnormal posture

    we just hatched two quails with a home incubator, one of them is completely fine and healthy the other has feet that bend backwards, and a long neck that tends to bend back as well, it is alive but seems to be weak. is their any possible way to fix the feet and the bent posture without hurting...
  10. calichooks

    chick without wings!

    i know i’ve been posting a lot on this forum and i apologize, but this little thing might just need some explaining. in our order of 20 chicks, one of 8 golden comets looked odd- and that’s because she’s wingless! no injuries, just born with one stub of a wing, and one wing completely gone! her...
  11. Ctducklady

    Help please! Duckling hatched with severe leg deformity!

    hi everyone I really need some advice ASAP if possible. I hatched ducklings for the first time this month . 7 of my 7 eggs hatched but the 7th duckling hatched on day 29th with a leg severely deformed. It was an assisted hatch as it had externally pipped on day 28th but hadn’t made much progress...
  12. P

    Chick with deformed leg

    Hello all, I recently received 2 chicks which are about a month old, with 1 of them having what appears to be a deformed leg. As far as I know the chick has had it since birth. The joint has minimal movement and appears to be swollen, but not filled with fluid. The chick does not appear to be...
  13. Aschuchert

    Chick with odd comb

    We have a 3 week old gold laced Wyandotte that is active, happy, and growing right along with other chicks, but comb seems to be missing?? Is that possible? Are we looking at a potential accidental cross breed from the hatchery? She/he seems to be fine otherwise.
  14. rascal66

    Was this chick born with a bad eye?

    I just hatched some chicks this past Saturday and today I realized that one of my chicks eye doesn't look normal... Sorry that the picture isn't very clear. He seems to be able to see okay but this eye also looks a little bit watery. Thoughts?
  15. rascal66

    Chicks just hatched, one is deformed? Will they make it?

    My 3rd incubation of the year just happened. And so far, it's mostly successful, especially compared to my last hatch. I still have a couple chicks hatching but two so far that have pipped have already died in the egg, unfortunately. Not too sure why, but one was quite sticky (again...). One...
  16. Enya2000


    Hello everyone, I just signed up because I need your help. I have had a first go at incubating quail eggs! So far 5 have hatched out of 20, they are all healthy except for one day started hatching on day 19 and couldn’t get out of the shell two days later, it was completely open but couldn’t get...
  17. emmagat

    Weird toenail?

    Hi everyone! One of my easter egger hens, plus a couple of my others, have a weird toe that points upwards or in a weird direction. It’s always the back toe, and never any of the front 3 toes. Here’s some pictures so y’all can see what is going on with her little feet. Thank you all in advance!
  18. S

    Indian runner duckling deformed spine

    Hi, I hatched 2 ducklings 6 weeks ago and one of them developed a deformation in its spine and seem to grow slower than the other duckling hatched on the same day, the lower part of its beak is longer than the top too now. I have attached pictures here below where you can see the difference...
  19. HappyFeetHens

    My special needs hen ❤️

    I’m an FFA member, and our chapter hatched about 20 chicks this spring. One hatched late during my class, and already something was off. The poor thing wasn’t really walking even once she’d dried off. Later, I came back to see her in the brooder, still not walking. I realized when I picked her...
  20. nickberndsen

    Long hooked upper beak on Ameraucana chick

    My three-week-old Ameraucana chick's upper beak is unusually long and hooked. She seems to have no problem eating, but she wheezes sometimes. She also seems much stupider than our other chick and spends hours pecking at the wall. I have read that Ameraucanas naturally have curved beaks, but...
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